Acknowledging and Citing NEON
Acknowledging NEON
In publications, the following statements may be used in the Acknowledgement section, or a combined statement if more than one type of support was obtained from NEON.
General Support and Data Product Use
"This material is based in part upon work supported by the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), a program sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and operated under cooperative agreement by Battelle."
Research Support Services
"The National Ecological Observatory Network is a program sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation and operated under cooperative agreement by Battelle. Data collected/used in this research were obtained through NEON Research Support Services."
Samples & Specimens
"The National Ecological Observatory Network is a program sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation and operated under cooperative agreement by Battelle. This material uses specimens and/or samples collected as part of the NEON Program."
Citing NEON
Citing sources correctly helps our community maintain transparency, openness, and trust, while also providing a benefit of being able to track the impact of NEON on scientific research. We provide guidance on how to cite data, samples, documents, code packages, and educational resources that were created by NEON. While there are numerous standards that can be used for citations (MLA, APA, AGU Publications, etc.), we request that certain fields be present regardless of format. The examples provided below are primarily offered to provide clarity, and may be modified per specific guidelines maintained by a publishing authority, such as a journal, publishing company, or website. Here, we predominantly leverage styles and guidelines from Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, IIIE, and APA.
Citing Data
Downloaded Data
In each data product details page (see 2D Wind Speed and Direction Data Product Detail Page for an example) and within the data download workflow, there is a citation that you can easily copy and paste into your manuscript or code. Please use this citation in all of your research products, modified as needed per publisher requirements. Released data have been assigned DOIs.
For some use cases, adding citations for each NEON data product used to the References section of a manuscript or the metadata of a research output is appropriate. For this approach, note that multiple citations are needed if both provisional and released are used.
For example:
For released data:
NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network). NEON Ground beetles sampled from pitfall traps (DP1.10022.001), RELEASE-2021. Dataset accessed from on January 25, 2021
For provisional data which have been saved to a repository and assigned a DOI:
NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network). Ground beetles sampled from pitfall traps (DP1.10022.001), PROVISIONAL. Data accessed from on January 25, 2021. Data archived at [your DOI].
For provisional data which have not been saved to a repository (not recommended):
NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network). Ground beetles sampled from pitfall traps (DP1.10022.001), PROVISIONAL. Data accessed from on January 25, 2021.
In many cases, a manuscript or research output uses many NEON data products, downloaded at different times from different subsets of field sites. In this case, in order to maintain transparency for future reproducibility, we recommend adding a table either in the manuscript, an appendix, or some other document permanently linked to the manuscript. If you have used a Provisional dataset, enter “PROVISIONAL” as well as the DOI pointing to where you archived the data, if possible. Please see Publishing Research Outputs on good practices for submitting provisional NEON data to a third-party repository.
Table in Manuscript:
DP1.10041.001 | Soil temperature | | CPER, SERC, JORN | 2018-01-01 - 2019-12-01 |
DP1.10220.001 | Ground beetles sampled from pitfall traps | | CPER, SERC, JORN, SRER | 2015-01-01 - 2018-12-01 |
DP1.10220.001 | Ground beetles sampled from pitfall traps | PROVISIONAL; data archived at [DOI] | CPER, SERC, JORN, SRER | 2019-01-01 – 2019-12-31 |
Prototype Data
Some datasets were collected early in NEON's history, during trials of new protocols or sensors. These datasets are made available with limited metadata. These datasets do not have identifiers as the data products do, and so the title is adequate.
Template: NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network). [DATASET TITLE]. (accessed [DOWNLOAD DATE]).
Example: NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network). Megapit Soil Archive use data, 2013-2018. (accessed 26 Jan 2020).
Data Delivered by Hard Drive
Template: National Ecological Observatory Network. [YEAR SHIPPED]. Data Product IDs: [DPID1, DPID2, …, DPIDN], [YEAR OR YEAR RANGE OF DATA USED]. Provided by NEON on [SHIPPED DATE]. Battelle, Boulder, CO, USA
Example: National Ecological Observatory Network. 2016. NEON.DP2.30018.001, NEON.DP2.30019.001, NEON.DP2.30022.001, 2016-2019. Provided by NEON on 2 Jan 2016. Battelle, Boulder, CO, USA
Data Collected Through NEON Research Support Services
Data collected through NEON Research Support Services should be made publicly available within two years of NEON Research Support Services data collection completion or in accordance with funding agency requirements. Please cite the public repository where the data are archived and acknowledge the data collection through NEON Research Support Services as specified above.
Citing Samples & Specimens
If samples are obtained from the NEON Biorepository at Arizona State University, please refer to the NEON Biorepository Recommended Citation Formats for citation of information and data about samples, and specimens from the NEON Biorepository. If NEON samples are obtained from another facility, such as the Smithsonian's U.S. National Tick Collection at Georgia Southern University, please follow citation practices from the facility.
Citing Documents
NEON provides a wealth of formal documents about sampling protocols, algorithms, science designs, and other topics. These documents may be freely used in research, and modified as needed for the particular goals of a research project or field site. We ask that NEON documents be cited if they have been used as a substantive part of a research project; for example, this may be a NEON protocol that was used (as is, or in a modified form) in the author(s) field site or lab, an algorithm that was used from a NEON ATBD in the author(s) analyses, or a Data Product User Guide that was used by the author to help understand and guide data analyses. Documents do not need to be cited only because of their connection to specific data products that were used in an analysis. They only require citation if they were used in any other manner that informed the project beyond access to basic information.
Many of these documents have a document number, in the form of "NEON.DOC.000000" (six numerals) and revision letter (e.g, "vA"). These numbers and letters create unique identifiers for each document, and are thus useful for later referencing of documents.
Template: [Author(s)]. [Year]. [Document Title]. [NEON Document # with Revision Letter or just Revision Letter if no document number]. NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network).
Example: Thibault, K. 2018. TOS Protocol and Procedure: Breeding Landbird Abundance and Diversity. NEON.DOC.014041vJ. NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network).
Example: Meier, C. 2019. NEON User Guide to Digital Hemispheric Photos of Plot Vegetation (NEON.DP1.10017) Version A. NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network).
Citing Code Packages
Please review the documentation for each code package for the recommended citation and use policy. While most packages will have an open license, some may be more restrictive due to partnerships with external collaborators or a dependency on proprietary software.
Template: [AUTHOR(S), NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network)]. [PACKAGE NAME]. [LANGUAGE] package version [VERSION NUMBER]. [URL or DOI].
Example: Claire Lunch, Christine Laney, Nathan Mietkiewicz, Eric Sokol, Kaelin Cawley and NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network) (2024). neonUtilities: Utilities for Working with NEON Data. R package version 2.4.1.
To get up-to-date citation details for R packages, run citation("neonUtilities") in R.
Citing Educational Resources
Data Tutorials
Template: [AUTHOR(S), NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network)]. Data Tutorial: [TUTORIAL NAME]. [URL] (accessed [DATE ACCESSED].
Example: Lunch CK, Laney CM, Jones MA, NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network). Data Tutorial: Download and Explore NEON Data. (accessed 25 January 2020).
Teaching Modules
Many NEON teaching modules are published or referenced on QUBESHub. On QUBESHub, all teaching modules have recommended citations with DOIs. Refer to the individual module for information about access rights and the recommended citation.
Example : McNeil, J, Jones MA (2018). Data Management using National Ecological Observatory Network's (NEON) Small Mammal Data with Accompanying Lesson on Mark Recapture Analysis. NEON - National Ecological Observatory Network, (Version 2.1). QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/Q4M121
NEON also provides links to NEON-related teaching modules that are created and hosted by other groups. Follow links to the module and look for citation information on each module's primary web page.
Citing Media
NEON is the author of all of its maps. Accordingly, cite maps as:
Template: NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network). [Title of Map.]. [URL] (accessed [DATE ACCESSED].
Example : NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network). Field Sites Map - Poster w Site Index.… (accessed 26 Jan 2020).
Webpages and Blogs
NEON is the author of all of its web pages unless a specific author is listed. Accordingly, cite web pages as
Template : [NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network) or Author]. [Title of Article or Individual Page]. [URL] (accessed [DATE ACCESSED]).
Example : NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network). Getting to Know the NEON Domains: The Northern Plains.… (accessed 6 January 2020).
Images and Graphics
Images and graphics may have been generously contributed to NEON, or generated by NEON, to promote education and research. Unless stated otherwise, images are made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 (CC BY 2.0). Users are allowed to copy, transmit, reuse, and/or adapt content, as long as attribution regarding the source of the content is made. If the content is altered, transformed, or enhanced, it may be re-distributed only under the same or similar license by which it was acquired.
Template: [NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network) or Creator]. [PUBLICATION YEAR].[IMAGE TITLE]. [IMAGE TYPE (e.g., Photograph)]. [URL].
Example: Westhusin T. (2017). Baby bears at YELL. [Photograph].….
Template : [NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network) or Person or group who uploaded video]. [PUBLICATION DATE]. [VIDEO TITLE [Video]. [WEBSITE HOST]. [URL].
Example : NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network). 8 Feb 2018. NEON: Open Data to Understand our Changing Ecosystems [Video]. YouTube.
Last updated March 29, 2025