Feb 2018 Newsletter
February 2018
Data and Infrastructure News
Science Doesn’t Stop for Snow at NEON Field Sites
Winter winds may blow and the snow may fall, but aquatic sampling and tower maintenance at NEON’s northern field sites continue through the winter months.
NEON Airborne Remote Sensing Takes Off
If you happen to be at a NEON field site during the peak of the growing season this year, look for the NEON Airborne Observation Platforms (AOPs) flying overhead.
Domain News
NEON Field Staff Gear Up for 2018 Aquatic and Terrestrial Sampling
At “Training Paloozas”, field staff focus on data quality and best practices in observational field sampling at aquatic and terrestrial field sites.
In the Aftermath of Maria, NEON Puerto Rico Stands Strong
Despite major setbacks caused by Maria, NEON field crews are bringing our field sites back to full operations in the midst of an island-wide humanitarian and infrastructure crisis.
Construction Update
Say Aloha to Our Pu`u Maka`ala Field Site!
Located in the Pu`u Maka`ala Natural Area Reserve (PUUM) in Hawaii, this NEON field site is expected to be fully operational by the fall of 2018.
Airborne Remote Sensing Programs Transition to Full Operations
As of December 2017, all components of the NEON Airborne Remote Sensing program have transitioned from Construction Phase to Initial Operations.
Featured Expert
Dr. Sharon Collinge to Lead the NEON Project
Battelle welcomes Dr. Sharon Collinge as the Observatory Director and Chief Scientist for the NEON project. Sharon will ensure that the project fulfills its science and educational missions and maintains scientific integrity in all ecological data collection, analysis and dissemination efforts.
Upcoming Events & Opportunities
NEON Science Community Forum Now Online
NEON data and infrastructure users now have an online forum to discuss NEON data, tools, resources, opportunities, calls for proposals, research ideas, new discoveries and any other topic of interest to the user community.
Applications Now Open for the 2018 NEON Data Institute: Remote Sensing with Reproducible Workflows in Python
Application Deadline: March 20, 2018
This Data Institute provides a unique opportunity for participants to gain hands-on experience working with openly available NEON data using well-documented, reproducible methods using Python. Participants will also gain important applied knowledge about using heterogeneous remote sensing data sources to address spatio-temporal ecological research questions.
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