Event - Meeting
2017 ESA Annual Meeting - NEON activities
Aug 6-11, 2017
Hosted By:
Ecological Society of America
This year, NEON scientists will be at the 2017 Ecological Society for America (ESA) annual meeting presenting at more than a dozen symposia and poster sessions. The NEON program booth is #410, and many of our scientists will be on-hand throughout the week at the booth to answer your questions about the observatory.
NEON-related Activities
Data Portal Demo
Stop by the NEON program booth (#410) between 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m on August 7th through 10th for a demo of NEON’s data portal and web services. Staff scientist Christine Laney will be running the demo and available to answer your questions about NEON data products.
Mobile Deployment Platform Demo
The NEON Mobile Deployment Platform (MDP) will be at ESA on Tuesday, August 8, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. in the convention center plaza. The MDP is a self-contained suite of sensors, power systems and data logging capabilities for capturing atmospheric, soil, and aquatic data. Central to the concept of the MDP is the ability for rapid deployment to capture stochastic ecological events (e.g. fires, flood events, pest outbreaks) across the landscape. Five MDPs will be available for deployments of up to one year for Principal Investigators via the Assignable Assets program where you can request access to NEON field sites and infrastructure.
NEON-related presentations, posters and talks
August 6, 2017
12:00 PM |
Working with Time Series in R Using NEON Data (please note, this workshop requires registration) |
August 7, 2017
11:30 AM |
Using the NEON API (a brownbag lunch workshop) |
11:30 AM |
Course-Based Research in Your Ecology Course: Yes, You Can Do This! |
3:20 PM | |
3:40 PM | |
4:20 PM | |
4:40 PM |
Importance of Multi-disciplinary Cohorts: The NEON Undergraduate Internship Program |
August 8, 2017
8:00 AM |
NEON data in undergraduate ecology courses: Data skills and learning opportunities |
9:20 AM |
Testing the relationship between canopy reflectance and growth for trees Southeastern US forests |
11:30 AM |
A First Look at the Fully Functional NEON Mobile Observation Platform (a brownbag lunch workshop) |
1:30 PM |
Long-term observations of continental sentinels: NEON’s organismal sampling |
1:30 PM | |
1:50 PM | |
2:10 PM | |
2:30 PM | |
2:50 PM |
August 9, 2017
10:10 AM |
Portland, OR
United States