Event - Workshop
JASM2022: Exploring NEON: Biodiversity Data
May 15, 2022
Hosted By:
Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting
Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting
This workshop is part of the Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan, May 14-20, 2022. View the conference home page here.
Date/Time: Sunday, May 15, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Registration Fee:
Student/Early Career: $ 15.00
Professional: $ 25.00
The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) provides open ecological data from 81 locations across the United States. NEON data cover a wide range of subject areas within ecology, including organismal observations, biogeochemistry, remote sensing, and micrometeorology. This workshop will focus on NEON biodiversity data collected from our 34 aquatic sites, including 24 wadeable streams, 3 rivers, and 7 lakes. Instruction will include an overview of the breadth of NEON organismal data available for taxonomic groups such as fishes, benthic macroinvertebrates, and algae, before providing code-along instruction on how to access and work with NEON organismal data products. We will provide guidance on how to convert NEON data into standardized formats that can be used with a variety of R packages commonly used to analyze biodiversity data. Examples will include calculating Jost (2007)-style alpha, beta, and gamma diversity metrics and plotting ordinations using the vegan package (https://cran.r-project.org/package=vegan). Additionally, participants will learn about data discovery and visualization tools available in the ecocomDP package (https://cran.r-project.org/package=ecocomDP). At the end of the workshop, time will be reserved for participants to work with the NEON data of their choice with instructors present to address any questions that arise while working with the individual data sets; a basic familiarity with R is required for participation in the workshop.
Eric Sokol, Battelle, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), esokol@battelleecology.org
Stephanie Parker, Battelle, National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON), sparker@battelleecology.org
Pre-registration is required for all workshop/professional development sessions. Please be sure to sign up when you register for JASM 2022.