This workshop will be for working with AOS biology data in R, and includes data wrangling and some basic analysis. It is part of the Society for Freshwater Science conference, June 2-6, 2024.
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Organizers: Stephanie Parker and Eric Sokol
This short course will focus on NEON biodiversity data collected from our 34 aquatic sites, including 24 wadeable streams, 3 rivers, and 7 lakes for taxonomic groups such as fishes, benthic macroinvertebrates, and algae. Instructors will first provide an overview of the breadth of NEON aquatic biodiversity data before leading a code-along exercise on how to find, access, and work with the datasets. Instruction will include how to search for taxa, locations, and dates of interest and then download and format NEON biodiversity datasets for standard ecological analyses in R. Specifically, we will provide an overview of how to use the data discovery and visualization tools available in the neonUtilities and ecocomDP R packages ( for this task. We will then demonstrate how properly formatted NEON data can be used as inputs for some common ecological analyses available in widely used R packages (e.g., vegan). Examples include: Jost (2007)-style alpha, beta, and gamma diversity; alpha, beta, and gamma variability; and multivariate analyses and data visualizations using common ordination techniques (e.g., NMDS). At the end of the workshop, time will be reserved for participants to work with the NEON data of their choice with instructors present to address any questions that arise while working with the individual data sets. Basic familiarity with R is required for participation in the workshop.
Learn more about the conference and register here: