NSF Macrosystems Biology and NEON-Enabled Science Solicitation and RCN Dear Colleague Letter
What: The Macrosystems Biology and NEON-Enabled Science (MSB-NES) Program of the National Science Foundation will host a Webinar to explain the new MSB-NES solicitation (NSF 19-538) and the Dear Colleague Letter (NSF 19-031) encouraging proposals for Research Coordination Networks.
Note that the MSB-NES proposal deadline is February 25, 2019 at 5:00 your local time.
When: Wednesday, February 6 at 2:00 PM EST (1:00 CST, 12:00 MST, 11:00 PST)
Who: Mike Binford, Dan Gruner, Roland Roberts, and Matt Kane of NSF; Kate Thibault, Chris McKay, Claire Lunch, Megan Jones, and Gene Kelly of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON).
How: You can register just before the meeting but might experience delays because of too many people registering at the same time.
What will you learn: Changes from previous Macrosystems Biology solicitations, new solicitation-specific review criteria (especially the prioritization for proposals that make substantive use of NEON resources and what “substantive use” means), the status of NEON, how to engage with NEON scientists, Assignable Assets policies, and the opening of a new opportunity for NEON Research Coordination Networks.
Webinar Format: 15-20 minutes of pre-recorded description of the program solicitation and NEON resources, followed by 30+ minutes of questions and answers.
This Webinar will be recorded and posted for later viewing.
United States