Event - Workshop
SFS Access & Explore NEON Biodiversity Data Workshop
Jun 23, 2020
Hosted By:
Society for Freshwater Science & NEON
Society for Freshwater Science & NEON
NEON will be hosting a 3-hour virtual workshop on accessing and using NEON biodiversity data for the 2020 Society for Freshwater Science (SFS) Summer of Science.
Instruction will include an overview of the breadth of NEON biodiversity data before providing code-along with instruction on how to retrieve and convert NEON biodiversity data to standardized formats (long and wide species tables with relevant metadata to make cross data product comparisons possible) for taxonomic groups such as fishes, benthic macroinvertebrates, and algae. Participants will learn about the ecocomDP data model, a standardized data format designed by the Environmental Data Initiative (EDI) for biodiversity data, and how to import NEON data into this data pattern for synthesis work. Participants will also learn how to format and work with NEON data in a variety of standard R packages, including: Jost (2007)-style alpha, beta, and gamma diversity using the vegetarian package; alpha, beta, and gamma variability using ltmc R package; and ordinations using vegan package for R.
This workshop does not provide a general overview of NEON instrument data, nor the details of different ways of accessing NEON data. If you are interested in these topics, we recommend attending the ‘Access and explore open, continental-scale aquatic instrument data from NEON’ workshop instead of, or in addition to, this one.
The workshop, and other events in the Summer of Science, is free to members of SFS. However, registration is required and the workshop is limited to 40 participants.
You can register on their website here
All times are Eastern Daylight Time (UTC-4).
Time | Topic |
13:45 | Join the workshop early if you have any setup or installation issues. |
14:00 | Welcome to the Workshop |
14:20 | NEON and NEON Aquatic Organismal Data Products |
14:40 | Accessing & Working with NEON Data |
16:00 | Analyzing Biodiversity Data |
16:45 | Final Questions & Evaluation |
17:00 | Workshop Ends |
Please get in touch with the instructors prior to the workshop with any questions.
United States