Event - Conference/Meeting
Society for Freshwater Science 2018 Meeting
May 20-24, 2018
Hosted By:
Society for Freshwater Science
Society for Freshwater Science
In freshwater science and its applications, boundaries and divisions can be paradoxical. Our goal is to focus the SFS community on navigating and understanding boundaries during our 64th annual meeting. In some respects this is an old theme for our society, but it is also one with many important new dimensions appropriate to the place and time of this meeting. The meeting's program will emphasize frontiers of freshwater science focused on crossing habitat boundaries and linking disciplines, increase participation and perspectives connecting nations and cultures to address freshwater challenges, and guide us toward a more purposeful relationship between science and society to improve translation of the SFS community's science, education and service into action. In keeping with this theme and unique context, meeting activities will emphasize the sources of inspiration shared by our community, as well as our growing disciplinary and socio-cultural diversity.
Detroit, MI
United States