At all sites with profiling water quality sondes on buoys (SUGG, BARC, CRAM, LIRO, TOMB, BLWA, PRPO, PRLA, TOOK), the Water quality data product (DP1.20288.001) reports sensorDepth, which is the depth of the multisonde as it profiles through the water column. Data users should be aware that sensor depth is approximate, as the multisonde’s pressure transducer is not vented to the atmosphere. Therefore, barometric pressure fluctuations following twice monthly or monthly calibration will cause a sensor depth discrepancy.
Based on an analysis of past data, this discrepancy between the actual depth and reported depth has been as much as 40 cm water head. NEON plans to implement a barometric pressure correction to the sensorDepth data stream in the water quality data product during the upcoming data pipeline redesign process.
An update will be provided on this issue by June 1, 2021. Please use the contact form for further inquiries; please select DP1.20288.001 in the Data Product dropdown list and include the term "INC0042527” in the body of your request.