Data Notification
Precipitation (DP1.00006.001) to be split into three Data Products
December 27, 2024
NEON measures precipitation at 58 sites using up to three collection methods (primary weighing gauge, secondary tipping bucket, and throughfall tipping bucket). Despite substantial differences in site availability, sensor design, processing algorithm and scientific use case, all three methods were published in a single data product: Precipitation (DP1.00006.001). To alleviate user confusion and to streamline internal processes around algorithm changes, in RELEASE-2025 NEON will begin the process of splitting the Precipitation (DP1.00006.001) data product into three separate products:
- Precipitation – weighing gauge (DP1.00044.001)
- Precipitation – tipping bucket (DP1.00045.001)
- Precipitation – throughfall (DP1.00046.001)
In RELEASE-2025, DP1.00006.001 will no longer have Primary Precipitation (PRIPRE) tables. This data has been reprocessed with a new algorithm (see data product notification: Resolved: Spurious trace precipitation in Primary Precipitation data product) and is now published as Precipitation - Weighing Gauge (DP1.00044.001). Secondary tipping bucket and Throughfall tipping bucket precipitation sensors will be transitioned to NEON’s new processing pipeline in 2025 and separated to new data products as they are produced in the new system. Upon completion of the split, DP1.00006.001 will be retired.
To access all precipitation data in RELEASE-2025, users will need to download data from DP1.00006.001 and DP1.00044.001. Weighing Gauge precipitation will be available in hourly and daily aggregations, while throughfall and secondary precipitation will remain as 1-minute and 30-minute aggregations. In the coming days, precipitation data sourced from the previous primary precipitation algorithm will be temporarily removed from the Summary Weather Statistics (DP4.00001.001) data product while the transition to the new processing pipeline occurs. During this transition, please use the daily precipitation totals output in DP1.00044.001: Precipitation – weighing gauge. Precipitation data sourced from the new DP1.00044.001 data product will be added back to DP4.00001.001 in 2025. Another data notification will be issued when this occurs, or a status update will be provided by June 1, 2025, whichever is sooner.
Further updates will be made as data product separation progresses. For further inquiries, please use the Contact Us form.