Data Notification
Resolution: Bundling Terrestrial Biogeochemistry Data Products
October 7, 2020
Update to Bundling terrestrial biogeochemistry data products.
On 8/13/20, we announced some impending changes to OS biogeochemistry data products. As of today, those changes are complete. In order to improve data product usability, we have repackaged several data products to deliver field data and downstream analyses for chemistry and stable isotopes all in one download. For example, end users no longer need to download 3 different data products to access root biomass standing stocks, root chemistry, and root stable isotopes, but instead are able to get all of these data from downloading a single product.
- There are 7 bundled data products in total:
- DP1.10067.001: Root biomass and chemistry, periodic
- DP1.10026.001: Plant foliar traits
- DP1.10033.001: Litterfall and fine woody debris production and chemistry
- DP1.10086.001: Soil physical and chemical properties, periodic
- DP1.10047.001: Soil physical and chemical properties, distributed initial characterization
- DP1.00096.001: Soil physical and chemical properties, Megapit
- DP1.10066.001: Root biomass and chemistry, Megapit
While the stand-alone chemistry and stable isotope data products can still be searched on the data portal, they are no longer available for separate download and instead can only be accessed via these bundled products. As such, end users may need to update code routines for pulling data from the portal, but we hope this improves the overall user experience for NEON terrestrial biogeochemistry data products.
Please use the data portal contact form for further inquiries.