Río Guilarte (GUIL) site name corrected to Río Yahuecas
March 2, 2023
It was determined that the NEON stream site in Domain 04 which was being called Río Guilarte is actually located in the Río Yahuecas. This happened because both streams are located within the same USGS 12-digit Hydrologic Unit (210100030201, Río Guilarte at Lago Yahuecas Dam). Río Yahuecas flows into Río Limani which merges with the Río Guilarte to form the Río Blanco.
Moving forward, the site name in NEON documentation will be updated to Río Yahuecas, while the 4-digit NEON siteID used to retrieve the data from the NEON data portal and the API will remain "GUIL."
For more detailed information on the problem please use the Contact Us form and include the term “CHG0037029” in the body of your request.