NEON sites occur in a diversity of habitat types that experience a wide range of natural and anthropogenic disturbances, such as grazing, logging, and hurricanes. Although some of these disturbances are captured in the course of scheduled NEON sampling, many disturbances cause impacts that are not well described in current data products.
Are you curious if pesticides were applied to control an invasive species by the landowner at a particular sampling location? Would you like to know if random events such as flooding or wind damage occurred at a given NEON site? Great news, NEON staff have been collecting data on stochastic disturbances and site management activities observed at all aquatic and terrestrial NEON sites and have just released this information as a new data product, Site Management and Event Reporting.
These data serve to provide a better context of activities and random events that may impact multiple data products across plots and aquatic reaches or within individual plots and transects. Management activities and disturbance data across NEON will continue to be collected and made available to download from the NEON Data Portal.