NOTE: For best audio results, we recommend using Chrome during the webinar. Note that you will have the option to connect through the computer or use a call-in number.
Critical Zone (CZ) science is motivated by questions that span spatiotemporal scales over multiple orders of magnitude. Only through interdisciplinary work, relying on multiple perspectives and the integration of a diversity of expertise, can CZ questions be addressed. Models used to examine CZ science mirror the diversity in expertise and reveal significant gaps in understanding and capabilities, and opportunities for synthesis. In this charrette we will facilitate a lively discussion about the spatiotemporal scales, process representation, and motivating science questions by modelers involved in the CZO, LTER, ISMC, and NEON communities. Specifically, we seek to identify previously unrealized opportunities for synthesizing understanding across modeling perspectives, gaps in understanding that require new approaches, expertise not currently captured by community members, and key observations within the CZO/LTER/ISMC/NEON networks that could support breakthroughs in near Earth surface modeling.
The charrette will begin with ‘lightning’ presentations from the following panelists, with plenty of time for discussion and comments led by Pamela Sullivan and Lejo Flores:
This will be the second in a series of charrettes (interactive webinars) on the topic of using observation networks to advance Earth system understanding. Charrettes will be held monthly from November - February in preparation for a cross-network international workshop to be held in Boulder, CO in February 2018.
If you have questions, please contact Samantha Weintraub.
United States