Abe Morrison
Airborne Sensor Operator
Contact Info
3330 Airport Road
NEON Hangar
Boulder, CO 80301
United States
About Abe
Abe is an Airborne Sensor Operator with the AOP Flight Operations department. He can answer any questions related to the NEON AOP group.
Abe Morrison received his B.S. Degree in Aeronautical Technology from Purdue University. Directly after graduating he joined the U.S. Marine Corps and served as a Logistics officer and company commander in units ranging from tactical air intercept control, to the amphibious assault vehicle school. Prior to Abe joining the NEON team he worked with another NSF research facility as a field engineer facilitating geology related projects, in many locations around the world, using high precision GPS ground stations and terrestrial Lidar systems. He originally joined the SIV team at NEON, but has since begun work with the Airborne Observation Platform flight operations group.
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