Bill Martin

Manager, D07: Appalachians and Cumberland Plateau


Field Science

Contact Info

Phone: 865-272-0056


154 Fairbanks Road
Oakridge, TN 37830
United States

About Bill

Bill is a Southern Appalachian native who spent most of his young life exploring the diverse ecosystem near his home range, thereby fostering an enduring passion for environmental and life science. He began his career at the Pantex nuclear weapons facility in Amarillo, Texas from 1993-1997 as an Environmental and Ecological Sampling- Analysis technician, concentrating his effort on environmental and ecological baseline assessments. He returned to Pantex in 2007 to revamp the Environmental Projects remediation systems as an operations manager until his recent departure for a new career with NEON. In addition to his civilian duties, Bill spent 8 years in the USMCR and is currently an Army National Guard Infantry Platoon Sergeant, where he has enjoyed numerous opportunities to visit and study various ecological habitats throughout the world.

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Affiliation / Org:

National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)