Cameron Chapman

Lead Airborne Sensor Operator

NEON AOP Payload Facility


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About Cameron

Cameron Chapman received his B.S. in Geographic Information Science and his certificate in GIS from the University of North Alabama. Prior to joining NEON, Cameron worked as an Airborne Sensor Operator where he executed LiDAR mapping and surveying operations for utility, pipeline, telecommunication, highway and railway industries primarily from a helicopter platform. Cameron also brings a very robust remote sensing and GIS background to NEON. He has held positions such as GIS Coordinator for the U.S. Army ITAM program where he was responsible for the implementation of GIS management plans.  He has also served as a Geospatial Technician wherein he obtained an U.S. Government Secret Security clearance predominantly working on DoD missions, conducting research and preparing specialized maps and associated spatial data in digital and graphic form.

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Affiliation / Org:

National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)