Chau Tran

Field Science Lead


Observatory Leadership

Contact Info


1685 38th Street
Suite 100
United States

About Chau

Chau Tran is the Field Science Lead for the NEON Program at Headquarters, overseeing the Field Science Team, including hundreds of full time and seasonal staff across 81 field sites. Previously, Chau was the Domain Manager of the Central Plains (D10) and Southern Rockies/ Colorado Plateau (D13).

Chau received her B.S. in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior from University of California – Los Angeles. After working for five years on salmonid streams in the Pacific Northwest with NOAA she earned her M.S. in Water Resources at the University of Idaho. She then managed a Laboratory at the University of Alabama in Aquatic Sciences analyzing nutrients for thousands of water samples. In 2014 she joined NEON in Domain 8 (Ozarks Complex) as a Field Ecologist II focusing on the aquatic subsystem for Mayfield Creek. She became Assistant Domain Manager of Domain 10/13 in 2016 and then Domain Manager in 2018.

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Affiliation / Org:

National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)