Cove Sturtevant
Research Scientist, Instrumented Systems - QA/QC Lead
Contact Info
1685 38th Street
Suite 100
Boulder, CO 80301
United States
About Cove
Cove leads the monitoring, management, and communication of science data quality from NEON’s terrestrial instrument system. He works with NEON’s Science and Cyberinfrastructure teams to implement new quality control algorithms and address data quality issues throughout the data processing pipeline. Contact Cove for more information about quality assurance and control of NEON’s instrumented systems data.
Cove comes to NEON with a background in biometeorology, ecology, scientific algorithm development, and engineering. His research interests focus on understanding the biophysical controls of greenhouse gas exchange between ecosystems and the atmosphere, especially in relation to environmental change and land management. Cove holds a Ph.D. in ecology from San Diego State University, and a B.S. and M.S. in aerospace engineering from the University of Colorado Boulder.
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