David Durden

Research Scientist, Surface-Atmosphere Exchange - Data Science

NEON Headquarters


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About David

Dave's current role at NEON is Senior Research Scientist, specializing in Surface-Atmosphere Exchange (SAE) - Data Science. Dave architects algorithmic implementations for the NEON eddy-covariance data processing pipeline. As part of the eddy-covariance pipeline, Dave helps maintain the suite of R packages collectively known as eddy4R and the Docker images built from the source code. Dave is a co-PI on the NCAR-NEON project and the NEON data liaison for the Ecological Forecasting Initiative (EFI) NEON data challenge Terrestrial Carbon theme. Dave has helped facilitate these projects through gap-filled data products for model ingestion and near-real-time SAE data access.

Before joining NEON in 2012, Dave performed his graduate research in the Lab for Environmental and Atmospheric Physics at the University of Georgia. He led numerous field campaigns collecting eddy-covariance, SODAR, lidar, and micrometeorological data. His graduate research focused on the effects of nighttime boundary layer phenomena, such as low-level jets and gravity waves, on flux calculations. Dave began his tenure at NEON in Domain 10/13 as the Observatory's first tower technician. He moved to his current role in the Terrestrial Instrumented Systems (TIS) team in 2014. His research interests also include utilizing Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) to facilitate data collection and scaling of SAE data to the landscape scale.

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Affiliation / Org:

National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)