Ed Ayres
Research Scientist, Soil Ecology
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About Ed
Ed oversees the sensor-based soil plot measurements at NEON terrestrial sites. These measurements include, soil temperature, moisture, and CO2 concentration profiles, soil heat flux, and aboveground measurements made in the soil plots, such as throughfall and photosynthetically active radiation. Since 2010 Ed has been involved in designing NEON terrestrial site layouts, as well as soil sensor infrastructure design, sensor configuration, data product development, and data quality. He also oversaw the sampling of the megapit soil pits to characterize soils near the instrumented soil plots, develop soil-specific soil moisture sensor calibrations, and he manages the Megapit Soil Archive.
Ed has a background in plant-soil interactions in relation to carbon and nitrogen cycling. His Ph.D. was completed at Lancaster University and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, UK, in 2003. Prior to joining NEON in 2010 he was a Research Scientist at Colorado State University. He has authored/co-authored over 30 peer-reviewed publications and been awarded competitive research grants, including from the National Science Foundation. At NEON he has overseen development and documentation of several soil-related data products, as well as management of the Megapit Soil Archive.
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