1685 38th Street Suite 100 Boulder, CO80301 United States
About Hongyan
Hongyan Luo joined the NEON team in 2009 as lead Biometeorologist. Hongyan earned her B.A. in Forestry at Guangxi Agricultural University and an M.S. in Forestry (with an emphasis in Urban Forestry) at Beijing Forestry University in China. She worked at the Chinese Academy of Forestry for two years before heading to the U.S., where she earned her Ph.D through a Joint Doctoral Program in Ecology between UC Davis and San Diego State University. Hongyan worked as a Post-doc Research Associate in the Department of Forest Science at Oregon State University between 2007-2009, where she managed the network-level QA/QC on eddy covariance measurements across the AmeriFlux sites nationwide, and acted as a liaison between these DOE activities and the AmeriFlux site PIs. Her research interests include ecosystem functions, ecophysiologic studies, ecosystem responses to climate change, ecosystem carbon, water, and energy balance and how biotic and abiotic factors control these processes.