Jim Coloso

Data Scientist I


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About Jim

Jim has a background in limnology and aquatic ecology in lakes and streams. His past research includes estimating lake ecosystem metabolism using in-situ, high-frequency dissolved oxygen sensors. He also managed a number of whole lake manipulation experiments that investigated carbon sources to aquatic food webs, leading indicators of ecosystem regime shifts, and impacts from increased dissolved organic carbon to lake ecosystems.

Jim first joined the NEON program in 2014 as an aquatic field ecologist in the Mid-Atlantic Domain where he managed the Aquatic Observation System (AOS) and Aquatic Instrument System (AIS). In 2022, Jim joined NEON's Science team as a data scientist where he works on data quality and management of the water chemistry data products. He also develops and maintains a number of data collection and data quality applications. Jim works across both terrestrial and aquatic subsystems to help ensure that high quality data get published to the NEON Data Portal.

Jim earned his M.S. in Environmental Science from the University of Virginia, and his B.S. in Zoology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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Affiliation / Org:

National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)