Nick Harrison

Research Scientist, Hydrologist

NEON Headquarters


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About Nick

Nick is the surface water hydrologist and geomorphologist at NEON with a background in hydrometry, fluvial morphodynamics, and watershed management. Past research include evaluating land management impacts to sediment delivery at the watershed scale in northern California, quantifying erosive response in forest fuel treatments in the Lake Tahoe Basin and assessing water quality sensor deployment design in freshwater monitoring stations at the continental scale.

As a member of the NEON Aquatics team, Nick develops Bayesian-based hydrologic models that calculate continuous discharge and creates high-resolution reach-scale maps that characterize channel topography, bed composition, and habitat type using total station instrumentation. As a member of the Aquatic Instrumentation (AIS) team, Nick monitors sensor-based water quality data collected across the Observatory and ensures high data availability and data quality. He has also helped lead the design and construction of robust infrastructure that deploy in-situ water quality sensors in a wide variety of stream, river, and lake ecosystems across the United States.

Nick joined NEON in 2017. He earned his M.S. in Forest Hydrology from Humboldt State University in Arcata, California in 2012.

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Affiliation / Org:

National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)