Rhea M. Esposito

Curriculum Developer

NEON Headquarters


Contact Info

About Rhea

Rhea M. Esposito is a member of the NEON Education Team, focused primarily on field science training. She works to develop and deliver curriculum and training materials for permanent and temporary Field Science staff at NEON, in addition to collaborating on other educational initiatives with members of NEON Education. She collaborates closely with NEON scientists to maintain training materials aligned with the terrestrial and aquatic observational and instrumentation protocols implemented across the national network of NEON field sites.

Rhea received a B.A. in Biology and English from Oberlin College, and studied matriarchal group interactions of African elephants for her M.S. from Georgia Southern University. Her Ph.D. is in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, and her dissertation research focused costs and benefits of nesting associations in sympatric corvids in the Mountain West. Beyond her graduate work, she has experience working as a researcher on Antarctic diatom communities and as an instructor for both upper level and lower level biology courses. She loves learning and sharing knowledge, and hopes to continue to do both throughout her career.

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Affiliation / Org:

National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)