Teaching Modules

Are you an educator interested in teaching ecological concepts and data skills using hands-on data activities? NEON teaching modules include lesson outlines, curated datasets, and data skills activities to teach essential data skills and ecological concepts.
Open Educational Resources on QUBES Hub
Open Educational Resources (OERs) are freely accessible teaching modules, data sets, and media that enable faculty to easily find and implement data-centered, student-centric materials as needed for their own students. OERs using NEON data or protocols are hosted by the Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis project (QUBES). NEON-focused OERs are a collaborative effort between scientists from the NEON program and university and college faculty interested in using NEON data. Using the QUBES collaboration and education materials sharing platform, faculty provide OERs using NEON data or protocols for anyone to use or adapt.
View NEON Educational Resources on QUBES Hub
Teaching Modules on NEONscience.org
Browse our in-house teaching modules below. All materials are freely available for you to use and reuse. All NEON produced teaching modules are cross-listed on QUBESHub and have a DOI. Refer to the individual module on QUBESHub for the recommended citation.
Share Your Teaching Modules Here!
If you are interested in collaborating on a teaching module or would like us to help share your teaching materials using NEON data, please join the NEON group on QUBES here. Graphics and animations used in NEON Open Educational Resources are available for download for use in your teaching from the NEON Science Flickr account.
Have Additional Questions?
Please contact QUBES Hub if you have any additional questions about posting or adapting materials on QUBES Hub.