Explore NEON Workshop - University of Florida
NEON & University of Florida
This workshop introduces participants to NEON, teaches them how to access and work with NEON data, and allows them to interact with NEON science staff to get assistance working on the specific data products they are interested in using. The workshop includes hands-on, interactive instruction on how to access and work with NEON data, both through the NEON data portal and programmatically. This workshop will also feature one or more presentations by scientists who work with NEON data within their area of expertise.
Required Prior Knowledge
All coding instruction will be conducted in R and participants will be able to complete the workshop best if they have at least an introduction to coding. Participants without past experience working in a programming environment are encouraged to complete a basic introduction to R to understand the basics -- training options can be found on the Resources for Learning R page. Participants using other programming languages are welcome to attend, however, instruction and assistance in the programming language of preference may not be available.
Workshop Schedule
Schedule subject to change. For detailed schedule and links to resources, see Workshop Materials in right hand menu.
Location: Online. Virtual meeting link will be sent to registered participants.
Times: As the workshop is being held in Gainesville, Florida, all times listed are Eastern Daylight Time (UTC -4).
All participants will be asked to complete self-paced online tutorials/videos before the workshop to have their laptops set up for the workshop and to learn some initial information about NEON. Details provided in Workshop Materials in right menu.
PDF of Presentation Slides Here
Day 1: Monday 29 June: Accessing & Understanding NEON data
Block 1- Group Activities
Time | Topic |
14:00 | Welcome & introductions |
14:20 | Intro to NEON |
14:50 | Break |
15:00 | Spatiotemporal Design |
15:45 | Questions and Discussion |
15:55 | Computer Setup for Analysis in R |
16:00 | End of Day |
Optional Day 1: Monday 29 June: Troubleshooting R and Rstudio Setup
Time | Topic |
16:00-16:30 | Open 'Office Hours' for Computer Setup - R and Rstudio |
Day 2: Tuesday 30 June: Using NEON Data
Block 2- Group Activities
Time | Topic |
14:00 | Review and Questions from Day 1 |
14:10 | NEON Data Portal |
14:50 | Break |
15:00 | Downloading Data using neonUtilities API |
Optional: Using an API Token for faster downloads | |
15:45 | Questions and Discussion |
16:00 | End of Day |
Day 3: Wednesday 1 July: Terrestrial Systems
Block 3 - Group Activities
Time | Topic |
12:00 | Review and Questions from Day 2 |
12:05 | Youssef Kaddoura presents his work "Georeferencing PhenoCam Imagery" |
12:20 | Vegetation Structure Data |
Click here for R-based script | |
12:50 | Break |
13:00 | Plant Phenology and Temperature |
13:50 | Break - transfer to Breakout Rooms |
Block 4 - Concurrent Sessions
Time | Topic |
14:00 | Geraldine Klarenberg presents her work Modeling Tick Dynamics in Florida |
14:15 | Danielle Lacouture describes her work with Plant Presence Data |
14:20 | Session A: Working with NEON Small Mammal Data |
Link to R script for Small Mammal tutorial | |
14:20 | Session B: Explore and Discuss NEON Soils Data |
View Megapit Info | |
14:50 | Break |
15:00 | Resume Sessions A and B |
15:45 | Return to Common Session, Discuss Findings |
16:00 | End of Day |
Day 4: Thursday 2 July: Remote Sensing, Aquatic Systems, and Surface-Atmosphere Exchange
Block 5 - Group Activities
Time | Topic |
12:00 | Guest Speaker: Stephanie Bohlman talks |
12:15 | Q&A |
12:20 | NEON Hyperspectral Data |
Optional YouTube Video - Intro to NEON Hyperspectral Sensing | |
13:00 | Break |
13:10 | NEON LiDAR Data - Intro Series |
Optional YouTube Video - Intro to NEON LiDAR | |
Calculating Forest Structural Diversity Metrics from LiDAR | |
In Development: Combine LiDAR and Veg Structure Data | |
13:50 | Break - transfer to Breakout Rooms |
Block 6 - Concurrent Sessions
Time | Topic |
14:00 | Session A: NEON Water Quality Data |
14:00 | Session B: Using eddy4r to study NEON Surface-Atmosphere Exchange Data |
14:50 | Break |
15:00 | Resume Sessions A and B |
15:50 | Break |
Block 7 - Group Activities
Time | Topic |
16:00 | Open Discussion |
16:40 | Wrap-up |
16:45 | Post-workshop Evaluation |
Workshop Host
- Geraldine Klarenberg, Lecturer, Quantitative Data Science, University of Florida
Workshop Instructors
- Donal O'Leary; Research Scientist, Science Education; NEON program, Battelle
- Felipe Sanchez; Field Scientist - Aquatics; NEON program, Battelle
- Claire Lunch; Research Scientist, Data Science; NEON program, Battelle
Please get in touch with the instructors prior to the workshop with any questions.
If you have any questions regarding the accessibility of the workshop format, please contact Donal O'Leary.
Please tweet at @NEON_Sci and using the hashtag using #NEONData during this workshop!
This page currently provides details on the content that are expected. Linked and downloadable resources will be added closer to the workshop dates.
Computer Set Up Instructions
These computer workshop instructions must be completed before starting the Exploring & Downloading NEON Data portion of the Pre-workshop Introductory Materials.
R & RStudio
To participant in this workshop, you will need a computer with the most current version of R, and preferably RStudio, loaded on your computer. Prior to the workshop you should have R and, preferably, RStudio installed on your computer.
Install R Packages
Please have these packages installed and updated prior to the start of the workshop.
### Additional packages for LiDAR analysis:
Update R Packages
In RStudio, you can go to Tools --> Check for package updates
to update previously installed packages on your computer. Or you can use update.packages()
to update all packages that are installed in R automatically. More on Packages in R
To allow for participants to view the workshop instructors (including screensharing) and to follow along with the activities on their own computer, we recommend participants have two screens to view the workshop. If you do not have access to dual monitors, alternatives include calling into the virtual meeting on a tablet or extra-large cell phone (smaller cell phone screens will make it challenging to see the presentation materials). In these are not options, the workshop can still be completed with a single monitor/screen.
Pre-workshop Materials
Please complete all materials prior to the start of the workshop. The workshop will start with time for asking questions based on these introductory materials. Please keep a list of questions or concepts you need clarified.
- The Future of Science is Open ( Video (6 mins))
- Introduction to NEON (Video (4 mins) )
- Navigating the resources from NEON (Tutorial , Video (7 mins). The tutorial covers more material than the video includes).
- NEON Spatial Design & Geospatial Data ( Video (6 mins))
Day 1: Monday 29 June: Accessing & Understanding NEON data
Block 1- Group Activities
Time | Topic |
14:00 | Welcome & introductions |
14:20 | Intro to NEON |
14:50 | Break |
15:00 | Spatiotemporal Design |
15:45 | Questions and Discussion |
15:55 | Computer Setup for Analysis in R |
16:00 | End of Day |
Optional Day 1: Monday 29 June: Troubleshooting R and Rstudio Setup
Time | Topic |
16:00-16:30 | Open 'Office Hours' for Computer Setup - R and Rstudio |
Day 2: Tuesday 30 June: Using NEON Data
Block 2- Group Activities
Time | Topic |
14:00 | Review and Questions from Day 1 |
14:10 | NEON Data Portal |
14:50 | Break |
15:00 | Downloading Data using neonUtilities API |
Optional: Using an API Token for faster downloads | |
15:45 | Questions and Discussion |
16:00 | End of Day |
Day 3: Wednesday 1 July: Terrestrial Systems
Block 3 - Group Activities
Time | Topic |
12:00 | Review and Questions from Day 2 |
12:05 | Youssef Kaddoura presents his work "Georeferencing PhenoCam Imagery" |
12:20 | Vegetation Structure Data |
Click here for R-based script | |
12:50 | Break |
13:00 | Plant Phenology and Temperature |
13:50 | Break - transfer to Breakout Rooms |
Block 4 - Concurrent Sessions
Time | Topic |
14:00 | Geraldine Klarenberg presents her work Modeling Tick Dynamics in Florida |
14:15 | Danielle Lacouture describes her work with Plant Presence Data |
14:20 | Session A: Working with NEON Small Mammal Data |
Link to R script for Small Mammal tutorial | |
14:20 | Session B: Explore and Discuss NEON Soils Data |
View Megapit Info | |
14:50 | Break |
15:00 | Resume Sessions A and B |
15:45 | Return to Common Session, Discuss Findings |
16:00 | End of Day |
Day 4: Thursday 2 July: Remote Sensing, Aquatic Systems, and Surface-Atmosphere Exchange
Block 5 - Group Activities
Time | Topic |
12:00 | Guest Speaker: Stephanie Bohlman talks |
12:15 | Q&A |
Optional: YouTube Video - Intro to NEON Hyperspectral Sensing | |
13:00 | Break |
13:10 | NEON LiDAR Data - Intro Series |
Optional: YouTube Video - Intro to NEON LiDAR | |
Calculating Forest Structural Diversity Metrics from LiDAR | |
In Development: Combine LiDAR and Veg Structure Data | |
13:50 | Break - transfer to Breakout Rooms |
Block 6 - Concurrent Sessions
Time | Topic |
14:00 | Session A: NEON Water Quality Data |
14:00 | Session B: Using eddy4r to study NEON Surface-Atmosphere Exchange Data |
14:50 | Break |
15:00 | Resume Sessions A and B |
15:50 | Break |
Block 7 - Group Activities
Time | Topic |
16:00 | Open Discussion |
16:40 | Wrap-up |
16:45 | Post-workshop Evaluation |