Field Site Coordination

Niwot Ridge (NIWO) tower in the autumn
NEON can facilitate Field Site Coordination (FSC) with NEON site hosts/landowners for researchers wanting to work within or adjacent to NEON sites, and does not anticipate using any NEON resources, infrastructure, or personnel. Field site coordination consists of ongoing communications with domain staff and limited interaction in the field as needed. We ask that researchers review and meet the standards outlined in the NEON Site Research Coordination Guidelines. NEON support is subject to availability of resources and alignment of the proposed activities with NEON's mission.
Close coordination between NEON, site hosts, and research investigators may be necessary to ensure research success. The intent of the form below is to evaluate proposed field activities to ensure the integrity of NEON's research sites, instrumentation, measurements, observational sampling, data products, and site host relationships.
NEON does not own the property on which NEON infrastructure and observational plots are located, therefore NEON cannot issue permits, land use permissions, or site access. It is the responsibility of the researcher to gain access permission, and all required local, state, and federal permits. More information about individual site permits and access can be found on the NEON Permits and Permissions page.
Is this the correct form for me?
- If your request does not anticipate using any NEON resources, infrastructure, or personnel, you have or will obtain your research permit from the site host/landowner, and you are not proposing to work within NEON sampling or measurement plots, fill out the webform below.
- If you would like to request or anticipate NEON field staff support to conduct field work or field sampling, or are proposing to conduct work within our NEON sampling measurement plots, please complete and submit the more detailed NEON Research Support Services Observational Sampling Infrastructure (OSI) Request Form.
- If you are requesting access or use of NEON infrastructure (installation of instruments on the tower, instrument hut, or are requesting power or network access), please complete and submit the more detailed NEON Research Support Services Sensor Infrastructure (SI) Request Form.
- If you seek additional information on Research Support or NEON Research Support Services, including the type of research that can be done at NEON sites and on NEON infrastructure, please refer to the NEON Research Support Services webpage, or the NEON Research Support Services FAQ. You can also contact the NEON Research Support Services via email at or through the Contact Us form.