Mobile Deployment Platforms (MDP)

What is a Mobile Deployment Platform (MDP)?
Mobile Deployment Platforms (MDPs) are configurable mobile sensor arrays designed for rapid deployment to sites to gather meteorological, water, and soil measurements for Principal Investigator (PI) led research. MDPs are designed for rapid deployment able to capture stochastic ecological events (e.g., fires, flood events, pest outbreaks) across the landscape, as well as the ability to bring NEON standardized measurements to researcher locations.
MDP campaigns may range in duration, but are envisioned to typically range between six months and two years. In essence, each MDP represents a mobile and requestable NEON site designed to collect automated measurements comparable to instrument data collected at NEON field sites (see below for sensor and infrastructure specifics).
The MDPs are not just a suite of sensors, but also a flexible tool by which the community can adapt NEON to their needs by bringing standardized scalable NEON measurement systems to planned or ongoing research projects, experiments, or other existing network sites (e.g., LTAR, LTER).
The MDPs use the same processing algorithms and data QA/QC criteria as standard NEON sites and allows individual research projects to integrate with NEON infrastructure to potentially expand elements of data synthesis and hypothesis testing across the continent.
Potential Use Case Scenarios

Hypothetical MDP use cases. See below to request a MDP for research or educational purposes.
Infrastructure and Data Collection Capabilities
Each of NEON’s five MDPs is comprised of a core supporting infrastructure featuring:
- Rohn25G tower that can be configured for various heights up to 100 feet;
- a mobile instrument support hut housed on a trailer;
- a complete trailer-based generator power system;
- capabilities of remote network communications (e.g., cellular network, satellite);
- a configurable array of atmospheric, aquatic and soil sensors; and
- ability to incorporate additional PI instrumentation.
Each MDP unit and its sensors are designed to fit on a trailer, making it easy to transport on roadways. To power the MDP equipment, a given unit may be connected to an available electrical grid or powered by an independent generator system supplied by NEON. MDP sensors are calibrated in the NEON Calibration and Validation Laboratory to collect continuous measurements of a variety of ecological variables.
When a MDP is deployed into the field, it is maintained by a NEON science and engineering team for the duration of the campaign. Data collected from the standard NEON sensors on the MDPs are processed by the NEON project and delivered to the research team. Data collected by PI-provided sensors will still be processed by the PI.
MDP Measurements and Sensors

Measurements produced by the MDP
It is possible to add additional PI-provided sensors to the MDP infrastructure.
MDP Data Products
Subsystem | Data Product ID (Link) |
Level | Data Product Name | Description |
Terrestrial | - | 0 | Soil CO2 flux - MDP sensor | Raw flux data as output from the LI-8100. MDP specific data set. |
- | 0 | Soil temperature | Raw temperature of the soil as output from the Acclima DataSnap datalogger. MDP specific data set. | |
- | 0 | Soil water content and water salinity | Raw soil volumetric water content and an index of salinity as output from the Acclima DataSnap datalogger. MDP specific data set. | |
DP1.00001.001 | 1 | 2D wind speed and direction | Two-dimensional wind speed and direction, available as two- and thirty-minute aggregations of 1 Hz observations. Observations are made by 2-D sonic anemometer sensors located at multiple heights on the tower infrastructure. | |
DP1.00002.001 | 1 | Single aspirated air temperature | Air temperature, available as one- and thirty-minute averages of 1 Hz observations. Observations are made by sensors located at multiple heights on the tower infrastructure. Temperature observations are made using platinum resistance thermometers, which are housed in a fan aspirated shield to reduce radiative bias. | |
DP1.00004.001 | 1 | Barometric pressure | Barometric pressure is available as one- and thirty-minute averages for station pressure, which is determined from 0.1 Hz observations. Barometric pressure corrected to sea level and surface level (defined as water surface at aquatic sites and soil surface at terrestrial sites) is derived from station pressure averages and available at one- and thirty-minute increments. Observations are made by a single digital barometer located on the tower. | |
DP1.00005.001 | 1 | IR biological temperature | Infrared temperature, available as one- and thirty-minute averages of 1 Hz observations. Biological temperature (i.e. surface temperature) is measured via IR temperature sensors located on the tower infrastructure. | |
DP1.00006.001 | 1 | Precipitation | Precipitation is observed using a tipping bucket located on the ground level using a tipping bucket surrounding by a single Alter shield. Bulk precipitation is determined at one- and thirty-minute intervals. | |
DP1.00007.001 | 1 | 3D wind speed, direction and sonic temperature | Three-dimensional windspeed and direction measured by sonic anemometer; air temperature measured by the 3-D sonic anemometer. | |
DP1.00010.001 | 1 | 3D wind attitude and motion reference | Measurement of 3D anemometer attitude and motion. | |
DP1.00023.001 | 1 | Shortwave and longwave radiation (net radiometer) | Net radiation is composed of incoming and outgoing shortwave and longwave radiation. These data products are available as one- and thirty-minute averages of 1 Hz observations. Observations of net shortwave and longwave radiation are made by a sensor located at the top of the tower infrastructure. | |
DP1.00024.001 | 1 | Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) | Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) observations represent the radiation flux at wavelengths between 400-700 nm, which constitute the wavelengths that drive photosynthesis. This data product is available as one- and thirty-minute averages of 1 Hz observations. Observations are made by sensors located at multiple heights on the tower infrastructure. | |
DP1.00033.001 | 1 | Phenology images | RGB and IR images of the plant canopy taken from an automated camera on the tower top. Images are collected every 15 minutes and closely follow protocols of the Phenocam Network. | |
DP1.00034.001 | 1 | CO2 concentration - turbulent | Concentration of CO2 at the top of the tower; used in calculation of turbulent terms in eddy covariance calculations of carbon exchange. | |
DP1.00035.001 | 1 | H2O concentration - turbulent | Concentration of H2O at the top of the tower; used in calculation of turbulent terms in eddy covariance calculations of water vapor exchange. | |
DP1.00036.001 | 1 | Atmospheric CO2 isotopes | Profile measurements of CO2 isotope concentration, 13C stable isotope ratio in CO2, and water vapor concentration at each tower level. | |
DP1.00037.001 | 1 | Atmospheric H2O isotopes | Profile measurements of water vapor isotope concentration, 18O and 2H stable isotope ratio in water vapor at each tower level. | |
DP1.00040.001 | 1 | Soil heat flux plate | The amount of thermal energy moving by conduction across an area of soil in a unit of time. Measured as part of the soil plot. | |
DP1.00066.001 | 1 | Photosynthetically active radiation (quantum line) | The quantum line sensor provides spatially averaged observations of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), i.e., wavelengths between 400-700 nm, at the soil surface over a one meter length. This data product is available as one- and thirty-minute averages of 1 Hz observations. Observations are obtained by sensors located in the soil plot. | |
DP1.00098.001 | 1 | Relative humidity | Relative humidity, temperature, and dew or frost point temperature, available as one- and thirty-minute averages of 1 Hz observations. Observations are made by sensors located on the tower infrastructure. | |
DP1.00099.001 | 1 | CO2 concentration - storage | Concentration of CO2 in profile of tower; used in calculation of storage terms in eddy covariance calculations of carbon exchange. | |
DP1.00100.001 | 1 | H2O concentration - storage | Concentration of H2O in profile; used in calculation of storage terms in eddy covariance calculations of water vapor exchange. | |
DP2.00008.001 | 2 | CO2 concentration rate of change | Time rate of change of CO2 concentration (storage component only) over 30 minutes at each measurement level along the vertical tower profile. Gap-filling is not applicable. | |
DP2.00009.001 | 2 | H2O concentration rate of change | Time rate of change of H2O concentration (storage component only) over 30 minutes at each measurement level along the vertical tower profile. Gap-filling is not applicable. | |
DP2.00024.001 | 2 | Temperature rate of change | Time rate of change of temperature (storage component only) over 30 minutes at each measurement level along the vertical tower profile. Gap-filling is not applicable. | |
DP3.00008.001 | 3 | Temperature rate of change profile | Time rate of change of temperature (storage component only) over 30 min, spatially interpolated along the vertical tower profile. | |
DP3.00009.001 | 3 | CO2 concentration rate of change profile | Time rate of change of CO2 concentration (storage component only) over 30 min, spatially interpolated along the vertical tower profile. | |
DP3.00010.001 | 3 | H2O concentration rate of change profile | Time rate of change of H2O concentration (storage component only) over 30 min, spatially interpolated along the vertical tower profile. | |
DP4.00001.001 | 4 | Summary weather statistics | Present summary statistics for biometeorological variables. Statistics will include means, standard deviations, maxima, and minima for periods of days, months, and years. Engineering-grade product only. | |
DP4.00002.001 | 4 | Sensible heat flux | Sensible heat flux is estimated based on the eddy covariance technique using a sonic anemometer to measure vertical winds and air temperature and tower profile measurements of air temperature. | |
DP4.00007.001 | 4 | Momentum flux | Momentum flux is estimated based on the eddy covariance technique using a sonic anemometer to measure vertical and horizontal winds. | |
DP4.00067.001 | 4 | Carbon dioxide flux | Carbon dioxide flux of CO2 is estimated based on the eddy covariance technique from sonic anemometer measurements of vertical winds and an IRGA measurement of CO2 concentration and tower profile measurements of CO2 concentration. | |
DP4.00137.001 | 4 | Latent heat flux | Latent heat flux is estimated based on the eddy covariance technique using a sonic anemometer to measure vertical winds and an IRGA sensor to measure water vapor and tower profile measurements of water vapor. | |
DP4.00200.001 | 4 | Bundled data products - eddy covariance | Bundle of eddy-covariance data products, including related meteorological and soil data products. | |
DP4.00201.001 | 4 | Flux footprint characteristics | The eddy-covariance flux measurement sources its information from an upstream surface, the footprint. Footprint characteristics provide the biophysical surface information of this time-varying area, necessary to distinguish temporal effects (e.g., biological activity) from spatial effects (e.g., changing wind direction). | |
DP1.00066.001 | 1 | Photosynthetically active radiation (quantum line) | The quantum line sensor provides spatially averaged observations of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), i.e., wavelengths between 400-700 nm, at the soil surface over a one meter length. This data product is available as one- and thirty-minute averages of 1 Hz observations. Observations are obtained by sensors located throughout the soil array. | |
Aquatic | DP1.20033.001 | 1 | Nitrate in surface water | In situ sensor-based nitrate concentration, available as fifteen minute averages in surface water in lakes, wadeable and non-wadeable streams |
DP1.20042.001 | 1 | Photosynthetically active radiation at water surface | Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) observations represent the radiation flux at wavelengths between 400-700 nm, which constitute the wavelengths that drive photosynthesis. This data product is available as one-, five-, and thirty-minute averages. Observations are made at the aquatic sensor set location at lakes, non-wadeable streams, and wadeable streams. | |
DP1.20053.001 | 1 | Temperature (PRT) in surface water | Surface water temperature, available as one-, five-, and thirty-minute averages, measured by a platinum resistance thermometer at the sensor location in lakes, wadeable and non-wadeable streams | |
DP1.20288.001 | 1 | Water quality | In situ sensor-based specific conductivity, concentration of chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen content, fDOM concentration, pH, and turbidity, available as one- or five-minute instantaneous measurements in surface water of lakes, wadeable streams, and non-wadeable streams. | |
DP1.20016.001 | 1 | Elevation of surface water | Measurements of water surface elevation, available as one-, five-, and thirty-minute averages in lakes and wadeable streams. Based on sensor measurements of water pressure. |
MDP Costs
MDPs are deployed on a cost recoverable basis. PIs interested in incorporating a NEON MDP into their research program will want to plan in advance to include MDP costs in their funding proposals. All PIs who are intending to submit funding proposals which include the MDP should coordinate with NEON Research Support Services to obtain an accurate project specific costing and a letter of support.
Each MDP Deployment is unique in its considerations. If you are interested in an MDP and would like a cost estimate, please contact us at:
Requesting a MDP
Prior to completing the request form for a MDP, all requestors should review the complete information on the NEON Research Support Services page.
MDPs are requested through NEON Research Support Services, which allows researchers to request the use of NEON infrastructure in support of their research programs.
To request a MDP, please complete a MDP Request Form (download link below).
Please use this form for all MDP Research Support requests.
- Submit all MDP requests to
- Once the form is received, NEON works with the requester to develop a cost estimate and deployment plan based on the requesters’ needs
All MDP requests undergo a feasibility evaluation by NEON project scientists and staff prior to approval. NEON does not evaluate the scientific merit of requests; this is left to the funding agencies.
As with all of NEON’s Research Support Services requests, the investigators are responsible for providing funding to cover costs associated with each campaign. Research teams often secure such support through grant programs administered by the U.S. National Science Foundation and other entities.
Prior to deployment, the requestor is responsible for obtaining all necessary landowner permissions and research permits for the MDP deployment at the site of interest.
Have additional MDP questions?
If you have questions regarding the MDPs before submitting a request, or other MDP related questions, please Contact Us.