STEAC Nomination Form
We are currently not accepting new applications
According to its Charter, the STEAC is an advisory body to the NEON Project and will provide strategic advice to Battelle, the NEON Principal Investigator (PI), and NEON Project staff on the planning and operation of the NEON Project and other relevant programs. This is an exciting time to be engaged with NEON as construction has been completed and the Observatory transitioned to full operations at all 81 sites.
The STEAC members serve three-year terms and are expected to attend two in-person meetings at NEON headquarters in Boulder, CO each year and participate in monthly conference calls with the Chief Scientist/Observatory Director and other NEON staff as needed. There are currently a few vacancies available on the STEAC.
STEAC members will be selected from the nominations received according to criteria that ensure diversity and inclusion in representation, including gender, career stage, race and ethnicity, institution type, geography (e.g., NEON Domain representation), area of expertise, and life experience.
To nominate a colleague (self-nominations are also quite welcome), please complete the following form with information regarding your nominee: