All NEON wind direction data at all sites under-report average wind direction frequency in the ~360 to ~5 degree range. This includes wind direction data in both 2D Wind speed and Direction data products: DP1.00001.001 and DP1.20059.001.
The root cause has not yet been identified, but may relate to the algorithm that averages instantaneous wind direction. A fix may not be addressed until the 2D wind speed and direction data products are republished in a new data pipeline undergoing development.
Wind direction data will remain on the portal, and we will provide an update to this announcement by June 1, 2021. If you have any questions or concerns with this issue, please use the contact form; please select DP1.00001.001 or DP1.20059.001 in the Data Product dropdown list and include the term "INC0042325" in the body of your request.