Data Notification
Gap-filled and partitioned NEON data products available as part of AmeriFlux FLUXNET product
October 6, 2023
Through collaboration with AmeriFlux Management Project (AMP), data from 27 NEON sites have been processed using ONEFlux software to generate the AmeriFlux FLUXNET data product. All NEON terrestrial sites are expected to be processed in the future at least annually, with reduced latency expected with processing pipeline improvements. The FLUXNET data product is a continuous flux and meteorological time series dataset across many sites, with gap-filling, thorough QA/QC, partitioned net ecosystem exchange fluxes into gross primary productivity and ecosystem respiration, and uncertainty analysis applied. This dataset includes three newly available NEON data products:
DP2.00023.001 - Temporally interpolated triple aspirated tower temperature
DP2.00020.001 - Temporally interpolated shortwave and longwave radiation (net radiometer)
DP2.00006.001 - Temporally interpolated soil temperature 
This post-processing of the NEON bundled eddy-covariance (DP4.00200.001) product harmonizes the data to be compatible with the globally interoperable FLUXNET2015 data set. The ONEFlux software utilizes uniform processing methods across sites to improve consistency and intercomparability across networks and ecosystems. The data are distributed under a Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0) license and have associated DOIs for each site to ensure data adhere to FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). Please note when downloading the data that the required citation with DOI is provided with the data download. The data are available via the AmeriFlux data portal (free account login required) for the following sites:
NEON SIte Name | NEON Site ID | AmeriFlux Site ID |
All available NEON sites | US-x | |
Bartlett Experimental Forest NEON | BART | US-xBR |
Central Plains Experimental Range NEON | CPER | US-xCP |
Dakota Coteau Field School NEON | DCFS | US-xDC |
Dead Lake NEON | DELA | US-xDL |
Disney Wilderness Preserve NEON | DSNY | US-xDS |
Great Smoky Mountains National Park NEON | GRSM | US-xGR |
Harvard Forest & Quabbin Watershed NEON | HARV | US-xHA |
Healy NEON | HEAL | US-xHE |
The Jones Center at Ichauway NEON | JERC | US-xJE |
Konza Prairie Agroecosystem NEON | KONA | US-xKA |
Konza Prairie Biological Station NEON | KONZ | US-xKZ |
KU Field Station NEON | UKFS | US-xUK |
Lyndon B Johnson National Grassland NEON | CLBJ | US-xCL |
Marvin Klemme Range Research Station NEON | OAES | US-xAE |
Moab NEON | MOAB | US-xMB |
Mountain Lake Biological Station NEON | MLBS | US-xML |
Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory NEON | NOGP | US-xNG |
Onaqui NEON | ONAQ | US-xNQ |
Ordway-Swisher Biological Station NEON | OSBS | US-xSB |
Rocky Mountains NEON | RMNP | US-xRM |
Santa Rita Experimental Range NEON | SRER | US-xSR |
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center NEON | SERC | US-xSE |
Steigerwaldt Chequamegon NEON | STEI | US-xST |
Talladega National Forest NEON | TALL | US-xTA |
Treehaven NEON | TREE | US-xTR |
University of Notre Dame Environmental Research Center NEON | UNDE | US-xUN |
Yellowstone National Park NEON | YELL | US-xYE |
Please use the Contact Us form for inquiries. In the form, select any of the above products in the Data Product dropdown list to make sure your request is directed to the correct team.