NEON dissolved oxygen (DO) sensors are calibrated using local atmospheric pressure. However, the DO % saturation currently reported in the water quality data product (DP1.20288.001) have been normalized to sea level pressure (760 mmHg) by the YSI EXO2 multiparameter sonde.
NEON has begun the process of reconfiguring the multisondes to also report DO % saturation relative to local atmospheric pressure, which will be published as a new parameter in the water quality data product. In the interim, NEON has developed the localPressureDO R-package that uses barometric pressure from the streamside meteorological station to post-correct historical data and can be accessed in the NEONscience/NEON-water-quality GitHub repo. The DO concentration in mg/L data stream is not impacted by the % saturation reporting settings, and is correct.
Please use the data portal contact form for further inquires: please select DP1.20288.001 in the Data Product dropdown list and include the term “INC0040000“ in the body of your request