It was discovered that some sensorDepth values recently published in the Water Quality (DP1.20288.001) data product are incorrect for some lake sites (sensorDepth is not published for wadeable stream sites). For PRPO from 11 May to 27 October 2023, BARC from 18 October to 21 November 2023, and SUGG beginning 10 April 2023, negative values are reported. During these time periods, these sondes were stationary at a fixed depth of approximately 0.5m; users can substitute this value as an approximation (likely to be within the uncertainty range of these non-barometric corrected pressure transducers). Additionally, while the erroneous values triggered the sensorDepthRangeQF, the sensorDepthFinalQF was not triggered. We suggest users download the expanded data package with the more detailed quality flags to better identify affected data.
An update will be provided by the end of December 2023 with more details, a resolution date for the remaining site, and whether the data are potentially fixable. For more detailed information on the problem please Contact Us. Select DP1.20288.001 in the Data Product dropdown list and include the term “INC0070400” in the body of your request.