The goal of the workshop is to synthesize a set of goals and objectives for the next phase of the national effort to deploy the data held in our natural history collections for research and education, and to suggest strategies for meeting these goals and achieving these objectives including technological advances, new community standards and potential partnerships.
The AGU 2018 Fall Meeting will be hosted in Washington D.C. from December 10th through 14th. Over 50 NEON-related events will be happening at the meeting.
Sign up to join Dan Powers of CO-Labs on a tour of the NEON program. The tour will include presentations on the project as well as glimpses of our calibration/validation labs, flux tower and more.
The 14th annual Research Insights in Semiarid Ecosystems (RISE) Symposium will be held Saturday, 21 October 2017, 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM on the University of Arizona campus.
The American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America will host more than 4,000 scientists, professionals, educators, and students at the 2017 International Annual Meeting, "Managing Global Resources for a Secure Future," on Oct. 22-25, 2017, in Tampa, Florida.
Make sure to attend NEON program and data related presentations at this year's AGU meeting to learn more about what we've been up to for the past year.
This year, NEON scientists will be at the 2017 Ecological Society for America (ESA) annual meeting presenting at more than a dozen symposia and poster sessions. The NEON program booth is #410, and many of our scientists will be on-hand throughout the week at the booth to answer your questions about the observatory.