Research Support Services
NEON Research Support Services
The NEON Research Support Services (NRSS) makes available certain components of NEON’s infrastructure to members of the community to support their own research or other activities.
NEON serves as an accessible research platform for Principal Investigator-driven research and environmental studies. Research support includes access to NEON infrastructure, site coordination, labor pool of field ecologists, engineering, and science staff. These services are mainly cost-recoverable and dependent on availability of resources. Learn about the different components of NRSS, the types of support, and infrastructure you can access below.
Observational Sampling Infrastructure (OSI)
Investigators may request access to NEON sampling locations or additional data/sample collection by NEON’s professional field ecologists to support PI-led projects at NEON sites.

Sensor Infrastructure (SI)
Investigators may request to add sensors to existing NEON field site infrastructure to collect their own data. Terrestrial field site infrastructure includes meteorological/flux towers and soil arrays. Aquatic sites include in-situ aquatic sensor stations, groundwater wells, and meteorological stations in the riparian area of the site.

Airborne Observation Platform (AOP)
AOPs are light aircrafts outfitted with a high-fidelity hyperspectral imaging spectrometer, discrete and waveform lidar, high-resolution digital camera, and precision GPS to collect remote sensing data. Researchers can request to fly non-NEON sites or to fly NEON sites at times of year when NEON does not collect AOP data.

Mobile Deployment Platform (MDP)
Self-contained mobile sensor arrays can be set up to collect meteorological, soil, and surface water data for short- to medium-term monitoring projects. MDPs are designed for rapid deployment to be able to capture stochastic ecological events (e.g. fires, flood events, pest outbreaks) across the landscape, as well as the ability to bring NEON standardized measurements to researcher locations.

Field Site Coordination (FSC)
NEON can facilitate Field Site Coordination (FSC) with NEON site hosts/landowners for researchers who want to work within or adjacent to NEON sites and do not anticipate using any NEON resources, infrastructure, or personnel. Field site coordination consists of ongoing communications with Domain staff and limited interaction in the field as needed. NEON can also facilitate contact with site hosts for any additional research at their sites.

Letters of Collaboration/Support
Investigators wanting to collaborate with NEON scientists, use resources or data not regularly available through the Data Portal, or collaborate with NEON in some other manner may request a Letter of Collaboration/Support from NEON.

Submitting Your Request
Researchers must submit a formal request to use each of the above Research Support Services. The details you provide in your request will be used to conduct a feasibility review and develop a cost estimate for your proposed project.
Letters of Support Web Submission Form
Formal requests should be sent to
Submission Timelines
If seeking funding:
- Submit at least 6 weeks prior to institution of agency deadline. Complex projects may take additional time.
- Target of Opportunity requests (e.g. responses to disturbance events, etc.) should be submitted as soon as possible and every effort will be made to process these requests quickly.
If funding is secured:
- Submit your request at least 3 months prior to your proposed start of data collection to allow for review, pricing, and contracts to be signed
- Neither planning nor field work on a request can start until a contract is in place between Battelle (NEON program) and the PI's institution.
- Target of Opportunity requests (e.g. responses to disturbance events, etc.) should be submitted as soon as possible and every effort will be made to process these requests quickly.
Submission Resources
NEON Research Support Site Access Information: Contact Us
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