How to make sense of complex observational datasets, such as collected by CHEESEHEAD, the Chequamegon Heterogeneous Ecosystem Energy-balance Study Enabled by a High-density Extensive Array of Detectors? Could it be possible to bridge scale-mismatches such as between observations and models by jointly using spatial grids, continuous time series and discrete surveys? This workshop offers practical solutions through tutorials on accessing CHEESEHEAD data and using Environmental Response Functions (ERF) to combine multiple data sources for inference across observational and model perspectives!
This workshop focuses on remote sensing of vegetation and landforms using open source tools and reproducible science workflows -- the primary programming language will be Python.
This workshop will provide an introduction to the basics of data access and data navigation: discovering and accessing data via the NEON data portal, accessing data via the neonUtilities R package, understanding the content and quality of the data downloaded, and performing common data merges and transformations. Basic familiarity with R is recommended for participation in the workshop.
We are excited to join a diverse community of scientists as we all celebrate AGU’s centennial at the 2019 AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco. You can learn more about the NEON program at booth #206 in the exhibit hall and then please make sure to attend the many NEON-related sessions taking place this year. All times are Pacific (local) Time. NEON-led Workshops Concurrent with AGU 2019 These free workshops require pre-registration, however, they are not part of the AGU 2019 conference and do not require conference registration. The registration form can be found on the workshop page linked in...
The 15th ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting is being held December 2-5, 2019 in Halifax, Canada. Interact with scientists working on the NEON program throughout the meeting and learn more about Sustainable Observing: Examining the Logistics and Infrastructure Required for Long-term Research in a Changing Arctic.
This webinar will provide an introduction to NEON and the over 175 data products with an emphasis on the aquatics and remote sensing data and infrastructure.
NEON will be at the 2019 Soil Science Society of America annual meeting. NEON scientists will be giving presentations on the NEON program and scientists from the soil community will also be presenting on their NEON-related research.
This three-day workshop is hosted by the University of Texas At El Paso, New Mexico State University & NEON. Participants are introduced to NEON, teaches them how to access and work with NEON data, and allows them to interact with NEON science staff to get assistance working on the data they are interested in using.
NEON will be at the 2019 SACNAS conference which serves to equip, empower, and energize participants for their academic and professional paths in STEM.
This two-day workshop will take place at the University of Virginia Commonwealth and introduces participants to NEON, teaches them how to access and work with NEON data, and allows them to interact with NEON science staff to get assistance working on the data they are interested in using.
This meeting will convene current and prospective users of data from the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) to explore major questions that can be addressed at continental scales.
This three-day workshop introduces participants to NEON, teaches them how to access and work with NEON data, and to allow them to interact with NEON science staff to get assistance working on the data they are interested in using. The workshop includes hands-on, interactive instruction on how to access and work with NEON data, both through the NEON data portal and programmatically. The third day is an optional site visit to the NEON Guanica field site. Participation & Registration Workshop space is limited and the workshop hosts welcome applications from anyone with interest in using and...
NEON provides open ecological data from 81 sites across the United States, covering a wide range of subject areas, including organismal observations, biogeochemistry, and remote sensing. Surface-atmosphere exchange data are collected at all 47 terrestrial NEON sites, enabling analysis and synthesis both within and across sites. This workshop will provide an introduction to data access via the Data Portal and the API, and to working with NEON flux data using the neonUtilities R package. Workshop Schedule For location and updates, please refer to the Early Career Workshop Agenda . Time Topic...
NEON will host a booth at Ohia Love Fest to describe the work NEON conducts in Hawaii and highlight the importance of the ohia tree to Hawaii’s forests.
This workshop will provide an introduction to discovering, accessing and preparing a variety of NEON data for your research, primarily using R. The workshop will be divided into two sections of roughly equal length.
Apply to participate in a three-day workshop hosted by the University of Texas at El Paso, New Mexico State University and NEON that will take place November 6 - 8, 2019.
Participants will leave this session with the tools and comfort level to discover and access data from the NEON data portal and to be aware of and able to use the open educational resources available from NEON.
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
NCEAS is seeking proposals for synthesis working groups to leverage data assets from the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) to address synthesis research questions.
The Centennial Celebration and 99th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists will take place June 28 to July 2, 2019 at the birthplace of ASM, Washington, DC.
NEON will be at the 2019 Digital Data in Biodiversity Research Conference. Scientists that use NEON data and NEON scientists will be presenting at the conference.
Applications for the TERENO-NEON carbon and critical zone workshop are due June 10, 2019. The worksop is aimed primarily at early career scientists interested in emerging issues and methods wishing to broaden their knowledge or to identify new research opportunities.
NEON will be holding an Access NEON ESA webinar covering the Data Portal and tools for accessing and understanding NEON data. Registration is required.