Data Notification
Orientation Discrepancies in Lake Buoy Wind Direction Data: Update 2
March 17, 2021
This is an update to the previous post concerning wind direction data from the buoys.
Following the discovery that wind monitor orientation discrepancies were adversely affecting wind direction data in Wind speed and direction on lakes on-buoy (DP1.20059.001), NEON has field-verified current wind monitor orientations at the buoy sites. NEON is also revising the buoy wind direction data processing algorithm to account for changes in wind monitor orientation atop the mast following re-installations of the wind monitor that take place approximately annually. The algorithm updates will be reflected in NEON Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD): Buoy 2D wind speed and direction (NEON.DOC.004738), revision B.
NEON is also addressing the root causes of this installation issue and will measure and record the orientation of the mast on a regular basis for use in the data processing pipeline. NEON expects to publish quality-flagged and corrected buoy wind direction data using the new algorithm and mast orientation data by June 8, 2021.
Note that the windspeed data stream of this data product remains unaffected by this issue. We suggest data users refer to the nearby, onshore 2D wind speed and direction data product (DP1.00001.001) for riparian wind direction data.
An update will be provided on this issue by June 8, 2021. Please use the contact form for further inquiries; please select DP1.20059.001 in the Data Product dropdown list and include the term "INC0042527" in the body of your request.