An issue has been identified with the soil heat flux data product in which most automated field-calibrations were not being processed. We are working to resolve this issue.
Fully usable data are available for BART, CPER, DSNY, GUAN, HARV, HEAL, JERC, ORNL, OSBS, SERC, STER, and UKFS. Partially usable data (at least one sensor operating properly) is available for ABBY, CLBJ, DEJU, JORN, KONA, KONZ, LAJA, LENO, ONAQ, SCBI, and TALL. There are no usable data for BARR, BLAN, DCFS, GRSM, MLBS, MOAB, NIWO, NOGP, SRER, TOOL, TREE, UNDE, and WOOD.