A review of the precipitation data product (part of DP1.00006.001) identified that spurious trace precipitation is recorded frequently for all primary precipitation sensors (weighing gauges).
While actual precipitation events are typically distinguishable from spurious events by visual inspection of the time series, the spurious events can add significantly to precipitation totals when aggregated over long intervals. Sums of spurious precipitation range from < 0.05 mm/day to > 0.5mm/day, with higher sums generally corresponding to sites and time periods of greater evaporative demand.
We are working on additional quality control algorithms in order to detect and remove spurious trace events in the primary precipitation data product. An updated algorithm is expected sometime in 2021. An update to this issue will be provided by March, 2021. In the meantime, data remain available and notice of this issue has been added to the to data product description. Users are advised to manually inspect and clean the dataset of spurious trace precipitation events.
For further inquiries, please use the data portal contact form; please select DP1.00006.001 in the Data Product dropdown list and include the term "PRB0040676" in the body of your request.