We have identified that the timestamp of the on-site server was set to Mountain Time instead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) resulting in all sensor data streaming with the wrong timestamp for SYCA and WLOU from 6/4/2019 - 12/5/2019 and 7/23/2019 - 2/17/2020, respectively.
All impacted data have been removed from the NEON data portal and will be re-streamed, re-processed, and re-published. We will provide an update by March 20, 2020 with information about when data will be on the portal. An automated script is being put in place to prevent this issue in the future. Impacted data products include:
Please use the data portal contact form for further inquiries; please include the phrase “INC0034443“ and “INC0035951“ in the body of your request.