Extended evaluation of near-infrared digital hemispherical photography for estimating leaf and wood area index during leaf-on conditions
PI Name
Luke Brown
Provide an extended evaluation of near-infrared digital hemispherical photography (DHP) as a new means of measuring leaf area index (LAI) and wood area index (WAI)
PI Name
Luke Brown
PI Affiliation
University of Salford Manchester
Start date
End date
NASA GSFC SBG: Diurnal and seasonal variation in canopy optical properties associated with photosynthetic function and gross primary productivity (GPP) for prairie vegetation
PI Name
Fred Huemmrich
Examine Solar Induced Fluorescence (SIF) along with visible to near infrared reflectance of tallgrass prairie ecosystems using a FLoX (Fluorescence Box, JB Hyperspectral_ mounted on the flux tower. In addition to measurements of leaf level electron transport rate (ETR) and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) from a MoniPAM Fluorometer.
PI Name
Fred Huemmrich
Field sites
PI Affiliation
University of Maryland Baltimore County
Start date
End date