In this exercise we will analyze several NEON Level-3 lidar rasters (DSM, DTM, and CHM) and assess the uncertainty between data collected over the same area on different days.
After completing this tutorial, you will be able to:
Load several L3 Lidar tif files
Difference the tif files
Create histograms of the DSM, DTM, and CHM differences
Remove vegetated areas of DSM & DTMs using the CHM
Compare difference in DSM and DTMs over vegetated and ground pixels
Install Python Packages
Download Data
Data required to run this tutorial will be downloaded using the Python neonutilities package, which can be installed with pip as follows:
pip install neonutilities
In 2016 the NEON AOP flew the PRIN site in D11 on a poor weather day to ensure coverage of the site. The following day, the weather improved and the site was flown again to collect clear-weather spectrometer data. Having collections only one day apart provides an opportunity to assess LiDAR uncertainty because we should expect that nothing has changed between the two collections. In this exercise we will analyze several NEON Level 3 lidar rasters to assess the uncertainty.
Set up system
First, we'll set up our system and import the required Python packages.
import os
import neonutilities as nu
import rasterio as rio
from rasterio.plot import show, show_hist
import numpy as np
from math import floor
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
Download DEM and CHM data
Use the neonutilities package, imported as nu to download the CHM and DEM data, for a single tile. You will need to type y to proceed with the download.
# Download the CHM Data to the ./data folder
# Download the DEM (DSM & DTM) Data to the ./data folder
Read in Lidar raster data files
This next function displays all the files that were downloaded, ending in .tif. A number of other metadata files are downloaded as well, including shapefiles and kml files that show the boundary of the files. We can ignore those for now, but feel free to explore those on your own. They can be helpful for looking at the extent (boundaries) of the data without having to read in the actual data files.
def list_files(directory):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
for file in files:
if file.endswith('.tif'):
print(os.path.join(root, file).replace(os.path.expanduser('~/Downloads/'),'..'))
# Replace 'your_directory_path' with the path to the directory you want to search
chm_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/Downloads/DP3.30015.001")
dem_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/Downloads/DP3.30024.001")
# Display the DSMs from the 1st and 2nd collections:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12,5))
show(dsm1_dataset, ax=ax1); ax1.ticklabel_format(style='plain'); ax1.set_title('2016_PRIN_1 DSM')
show(dsm2_dataset, ax=ax2); ax2.ticklabel_format(style='plain'); ax2.set_title('2016_PRIN_2 DSM');
# Display the DTMs from the 1st and 2nd collections:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12,5))
show(dtm1_dataset, ax=ax1); ax1.ticklabel_format(style='plain'); ax1.set_title('2016_PRIN_1 DTM')
show(dtm2_dataset, ax=ax2); ax2.ticklabel_format(style='plain'); ax2.set_title('2016_PRIN_2 DTM');
Since we want to know what changed between the two days, we will create an array containing the pixel differences across the two arrays. To do this let's subtract the two DSMs. First let's extract the data from the datasets as follows:
Let's get some summary statistics for this DSM difference array.
diff_dsm_array_mean = np.mean(diff_dsm_array)
diff_dsm_array_std = np.std(diff_dsm_array)
print('Mean difference in DSMs: ',round(diff_dsm_array_mean,3),'m')
print('Standard deviation of difference in DSMs: ',round(diff_dsm_array_std,3),'m')
Mean difference in DSMs: 0.019 m
Standard deviation of difference in DSMs: 0.743 m
The mean is close to zero (0.019 m), indicating there was very little systematic bias between the two days. However, we notice that the standard deviation of the data is quite high at 0.743 meters. Generally we expect NEON LiDAR data to have an error below 0.15 meters! Let's take a look at a histogram of the DSM difference. We use the flatten function on the 2D diff_dsm_array to convert it into a 1D array which allows the hist() function to run faster.
plt.title('Histogram of PRIN DSM Difference')
plt.xlabel('Height Difference(m)'); plt.ylabel('Frequency')
The histogram has long tails, obscuring the distribution near the center. To constrain the x-limits of the histogram we will use the mean and standard deviation just calculated. Since the data appears to be normally distributed, we can constrain the histogram to 95% of the data by including 2 standard deviations above and below the mean.
plt.hist(diff_dsm_array.flatten(),100,range=[diff_dsm_array_mean-2*diff_dsm_array_std, diff_dsm_array_mean+2*diff_dsm_array_std]);
plt.title('Histogram of PRIN DSM Difference')
plt.xlabel('Height Difference(m)'); plt.ylabel('Frequency')
The histogram shows a wide variation in DSM differences, with those at the 95% limit at around +/- 1.5 m. Let's take a look at the spatial distribution of the errors by plotting a map of the difference between the two DSMs. Here we'll also use the extra variable in the plot function to constrain the limits of the colorbar to 95% of the observations.
# define the min and max histogram values
dsm_diff_vmin = diff_dsm_array_mean-2*diff_dsm_array_std
dsm_diff_vmax = diff_dsm_array_mean+2*diff_dsm_array_std
# get the extent (bounds) from dsm1_dataset
left, bottom, right, top = dsm1_dataset.bounds
ext = [left, right, bottom, top]
# Plot, with some formatting to make it look nice
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5,6))
dsm_diff_map = show(diff_dsm_array,vmin=dsm_diff_vmin, vmax=dsm_diff_vmax, extent = ext, ax = ax, cmap='viridis')
im = dsm_diff_map.get_images()[0]
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05)
fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='vertical')
ax.ticklabel_format(style='plain'); # don't use scientific notation on the y-axis
ax.set_title('DSM Difference Map');
It seems that there is a spatial pattern in the distribution of errors. Now let's take a look at the statistics (mean, standard deviation), histogram and map for the difference in DTMs.
diff_dtm_array_mean = np.mean(diff_dtm_array)
diff_dtm_array_std = np.std(diff_dtm_array)
print('Mean difference in DTMs: ',round(diff_dtm_array_mean,3),'m')
print('Standard deviation of difference in DTMs: ',round(diff_dtm_array_std,3),'m')
Mean difference in DTMs: 0.014 m
Standard deviation of difference in DTMs: 0.102 m
dtm_diff_vmin = diff_dtm_array_mean-2*diff_dtm_array_std
dtm_diff_vmax = diff_dtm_array_mean+2*diff_dtm_array_std
# Plot, with some formatting to make it look nice
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5,6))
dtm_diff_map = show(diff_dtm_array,vmin=dtm_diff_vmin, vmax=dtm_diff_vmax, extent = ext, ax = ax, cmap='viridis');
im = dtm_diff_map.get_images()[0]
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05)
cbar = fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='vertical')
cbar.set_label('DTM difference, m')
ax.set_title('DTM Difference Map');
The overall magnitude of differences are smaller than in the DSM but the same spatial pattern of the error is evident.
Now, we'll plot the Canopy Height Model (CHM) of the same area. In the CHM, the tree heights above ground are represented, with all ground pixels having zero elevation. This time we'll use a colorbar which shows the ground as light green and the highest vegetation as dark green.
# Display the CHMs from the 1st and 2nd collections:
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12,5))
show(chm1_dataset, ax=ax1); ax1.ticklabel_format(style='plain'); ax1.set_title('2016_PRIN_1 CHM')
show(chm2_dataset, ax=ax2); ax2.ticklabel_format(style='plain'); ax2.set_title('2016_PRIN_2 CHM');
From the CHM, it appears the spatial distribution of error patterns follow the location of vegetation.
Now let's isolate only the pixels in the difference DSM that correspond to vegetation location, calculate the mean and standard deviation, and plot the associated histogram. Before displaying the histogram, we'll remove the no data values from the difference DSM and the non-zero pixels from the CHM. To keep the number of elements the same in each vector to allow element-wise logical operations in Python, we have to remove the difference DSM no data elements from the CHM array as well.
chm1_data =
diff_dsm_array_veg_mean = np.nanmean(diff_dsm_array[chm1_data!=0.0])
diff_dsm_array_veg_std = np.nanstd(diff_dsm_array[chm1_data!=0.0])
print('Mean difference in DSMs on veg points: ',round(diff_dsm_array_veg_mean,3),'m')
print('Standard deviations of difference in DSMs on veg points: ',round(diff_dsm_array_veg_std,3),'m')
Mean difference in DSMs on veg points: 0.072 m
Standard deviations of difference in DSMs on veg points: 1.405 m
diff_dsm_array_nodata_removed = diff_dsm_array[~np.isnan(diff_dsm_array)]
chm_dsm_nodata_removed = chm1_data[~np.isnan(diff_dsm_array)]
dsm_diff_veg_vmin = diff_dsm_array_veg_mean-2*diff_dsm_array_veg_std
dsm_diff_veg_vmax = diff_dsm_array_veg_mean+2*diff_dsm_array_veg_std
plt.hist(diff_dsm_array_nodata_removed[chm_dsm_nodata_removed!=0.0],100,range=[dsm_diff_veg_vmin, dsm_diff_veg_vmax])
plt.title('Histogram of PRIN DSM Difference in Vegetated Areas')
plt.xlabel('Height Difference(m)'); plt.ylabel('Frequency');
The results show a similar mean difference of near zero, but an extremely high standard deviation of 1.381 m! Since the DSM represents the top of the tree canopy, this provides the level of uncertainty we can expect in the canopy height in forests characteristic of the PRIN site using NEON LiDAR data.
Next we'll calculate the statistics and plot the histogram of the DTM vegetated areas
diff_dtm_array_veg_mean = np.nanmean(diff_dtm_array[chm1_data!=0.0])
diff_dtm_array_veg_std = np.nanstd(diff_dtm_array[chm1_data!=0.0])
print('Mean difference in DTMs on vegetated pixels: ',round(diff_dtm_array_veg_mean,3),'m')
print('Standard deviations of difference in DTMs on vegetated pixels: ',round(diff_dtm_array_veg_std,3),'m')
Mean difference in DTMs on vegetated pixels: 0.023 m
Standard deviations of difference in DTMs on vegetated pixels: 0.163 m
The mean difference is almost zero (0.023 m), and the variation in less than the DSM variation (0.163 m).
dtm_diff_veg_vmin = diff_dtm_array_veg_mean-2*diff_dtm_array_veg_std
dtm_diff_veg_vmax = diff_dtm_array_veg_mean+2*diff_dtm_array_veg_std
diff_dtm_array_nodata_removed = diff_dtm_array[~np.isnan(diff_dtm_array)]
chm_dtm_nodata_removed = chm1_data[~np.isnan(diff_dtm_array)]
plt.hist((diff_dtm_array_nodata_removed[chm_dtm_nodata_removed!=0.0]),100,range=[dtm_diff_veg_vmin, dtm_diff_veg_vmax]);
plt.title('Histogram of PRIN DTM Difference in Vegetated Pixels');
plt.xlabel('Height Difference (m)'); plt.ylabel('Frequency');
Although the variation is reduced, it is still larger than expected for LiDAR. This is because under vegetation there may not be much laser energy reaching the ground, and the points that reach the ground may return with lower signal. The sparsity of points leads to surface interpolation over larger distances, which can miss variations in the topography. Since the distribution of LIDAR points varied on each day, this resulted in different terrain representations and an uncertainty in the ground surface. This shows that the accuracy of LiDAR DTMs is reduced when there is vegetation present.
Finally, let's look at the DTM difference on only the ground points (where CHM = 0).
diff_dtm_array_ground_mean = np.nanmean(diff_dtm_array[chm1_data==0.0])
diff_dtm_array_ground_std = np.nanstd(diff_dtm_array[chm1_data==0.0])
print('Mean difference in DTMs on ground points: ',round(diff_dtm_array_ground_mean,3),'m')
print('Standard deviations of difference in DTMs on ground points: ',round(diff_dtm_array_ground_std,3),'m')
Mean difference in DTMs on ground points: 0.011 m
Standard deviations of difference in DTMs on ground points: 0.069 m
dtm_diff_gnd_vmin = diff_dtm_array_ground_mean-2*diff_dtm_array_ground_std
dtm_diff_gnd_vmax = diff_dtm_array_ground_mean+2*diff_dtm_array_ground_std
plt.hist((diff_dtm_array_nodata_removed[chm_dtm_nodata_removed==0.0]),100,range=[dtm_diff_gnd_vmin, dtm_diff_gnd_vmax])
plt.title('Histogram of PRIN DTM Differences over Ground Pixels')
plt.xlabel('Height Difference(m)'); plt.ylabel('Frequency');
In the open ground scenario we are able to see the error characteristics we expect, with a mean difference of only 0.011 m and a variation of 0.068 m.
This shows that the uncertainty we expect in the NEON LiDAR system (~0.15 m) is only valid in bare, open, hard-surfaces. We cannot expect the LiDAR to be as accurate when vegetation is present. Quantifying the top of the canopy is particularly difficult and can lead to uncertainty in excess of 1 m for any given pixel.
Challenge: Repeat this uncertainty analysis on another NEON site
There are a number of other instances where AOP has flown repeat flights in short proximity (within a few days, to a few months apart). Try repeating this analysis for one of these sites, listed below:
2017 SERC
2019 CHEQ
2020 CPER
2024 KONZ
Repeat this analysis for a site that was flown twice in the same year, but with different lidar sensors (payloads).
In this tutorial, we demonstrate how to remove parts of a raster based on pixel values using a mask we create. A mask raster layer contains pixel values of either 1 or 0 to where 1 represents pixels that will be used in the analysis and 0 are pixels that are assigned a value of nan (not a number). This can be useful in a number of scenarios, when you are interested in only a certain portion of the data, or need to remove poor-quality data, for example.
After completing this tutorial, you will be able to:
User rasterio to read in NEON lidar aspect and vegetation indices geotiff files
Plot a raster tile and histogram of the data values
Create a mask based on values from the aspect and ndvi data
Install Python Packages
Download Data
For this lesson, we will read in Canopy Height Model data collected at NEON's Lower Teakettle (TEAK) site in California. This data is downloaded in the first part of the tutorial, using the Python requests package.
import os
import copy
import numpy as np
import as ma
import rasterio as rio
from rasterio.plot import show, show_hist
import requests
import zipfile
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
%matplotlib inline
Read in the datasets
Download Lidar Elevation Models and Vegetation Indices from TEAK
To start, we will download the NEON Lidar Aspect and Spectrometer Vegetation Indices (including the NDVI) which are provided in geotiff (.tif) format. Use the download_url function below to download the data directly from the cloud storage location.
# function to download data stored on the internet in a public url to a local file
def download_url(url,download_dir):
if not os.path.isdir(download_dir):
filename = url.split('/')[-1]
r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
file_object = open(os.path.join(download_dir,filename),'wb')
# define the urls for downloading the Aspect and NDVI geotiff tiles
aspect_url = ""
ndvi_url = ""
# download the raster data using the download_url function
# display the contents in the ./data folder to confirm the download completed
We can use zipfile to unzip the VegetationIndices folder in order to read the NDVI file (which is included in the zipped folder).
with zipfile.ZipFile("./data/","r") as zip_ref:
Now that the files are downloaded, we can read them in using rasterio.
aspect_file = os.path.join("./data",'NEON_D17_TEAK_DP3_320000_4092000_aspect.tif')
aspect_dataset =
aspect_data =
# preview the aspect data
Define and view the spatial extent so we can use this for plotting later on.
aspect_reclass = aspect_data.copy()
# classify North and South as 1 & 2
aspect_reclass[np.where(((aspect_data>=0) & (aspect_data<=45)) | (aspect_data>=315))] = 1 #North - Class 1
aspect_reclass[np.where((aspect_data>=135) & (aspect_data<=225))] = 2 #South - Class 2
# West and East are unclassified (nan)
aspect_reclass[np.where(((aspect_data>45) & (aspect_data<135)) | ((aspect_data>225) & (aspect_data<315)))] = np.nan
Plot the classified aspect map to highlight the north and south facing slopes.
# Plot classified aspect (N-S) array
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6,6))
cmap_NS = colors.ListedColormap(['blue','white','red'])
plt.title('TEAK North & South Facing Slopes')
ax=plt.gca(); ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False, style='plain') #do not use scientific notation
rotatexlabels = plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(),rotation=90) #rotate x tick labels 90 degrees
# Create custom legend to label N & S
white_box = mpatches.Patch(facecolor='white',label='East, West, or NaN')
blue_box = mpatches.Patch(facecolor='blue', label='North')
red_box = mpatches.Patch(facecolor='red', label='South')
ax.legend(handles=[white_box,blue_box,red_box],handlelength=0.7,bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0.45),
loc='lower left', borderaxespad=0.);
Mask Data by Aspect and NDVI
Now that we have imported and converted the classified aspect and NDVI rasters to arrays, we can use information from these to find create a new raster consisting of pixels are North facing and have an NDVI > 0.4.
#Mask out pixels that are north facing:
# first make a copy of the ndvi array so we can further select a subset
ndvi_gtpt4 = ndvi_data.copy()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6,6))
plt.colorbar(); plt.set_cmap('RdYlGn');
plt.title('TEAK NDVI > 0.4')
ax=plt.gca(); ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False, style='plain') #do not use scientific notation
rotatexlabels = plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(),rotation=90) #rotate x tick labels 90 degrees
#Now include additional requirement that slope is North-facing (i.e. aspectNS_array = 1)
ndvi_gtpt4_north = ndvi_gtpt4.copy()
ndvi_gtpt4_north[aspect_reclass != 1] = np.nan
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6,6))
plt.colorbar(); plt.set_cmap('RdYlGn');
plt.title('TEAK, North Facing & NDVI > 0.4')
ax=plt.gca(); ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False, style='plain') #do not use scientific notation
rotatexlabels = plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(),rotation=90) #rotate x tick labels 90 degrees
It looks like there aren't that many parts of the North facing slopes where the NDVI > 0.4. Can you think of why this might be?
Hint: consider both ecological reasons and how the flight acquisition might affect NDVI.
Let's also look at where NDVI > 0.4 on south facing slopes.
#Now include additional requirement that slope is Sorth-facing (i.e. aspect_reclass = 2)
ndvi_gtpt4_south = ndvi_gtpt4.copy()
ndvi_gtpt4_south[aspect_reclass != 2] = np.nan
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6,6))
plt.colorbar(); plt.set_cmap('RdYlGn');
plt.title('TEAK, South Facing & NDVI > 0.4')
ax=plt.gca(); ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False, style='plain') #do not use scientific notation
rotatexlabels = plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(),rotation=90) #rotate x tick labels 90 degrees
Export Masked Raster to Geotiff
We can also use rasterio to write out the geotiff file. In this case, we will just copy over the metadata from the NDVI raster so that the projection information and everything else is correct. You could create your own metadata dictionary and change the coordinate system, etc. if you chose, but we will keep it simple for this example.
out_meta = ndvi_dataset.meta.copy()
with'TEAK_NDVIgtpt4_South.tif', 'w', **out_meta) as dst:
dst.write(ndvi_gtpt4_south, 1)
For peace of mind, let's read back in this raster that we generated and confirm that the contents are identical to the array that we used to generate it. We can do this visually, by plotting it, and also with an equality test.
# use np.array_equal to check that the contents of the file we read back in is the same as the original array
In this tutorial, we will calculate the biomass for a section of the SJER site. We
will be using the Canopy Height Model discrete LiDAR data product as well as NEON
field data on vegetation data. This tutorial will calculate Biomass for individual
trees in the forest.
After completing this tutorial, you will be able to:
Learn how to apply a Gaussian smoothing kernel for high-frequency spatial filtering
Apply a watershed segmentation algorithm for delineating tree crowns
Calculate biomass predictor variables from a CHM
Set up training data for biomass predictions
Apply a Random Forest machine learning model to calculate biomass
Install Python Packages
The following packages should be part of the standard conda installation:
Download Data
If you have already downloaded the data set for the Data Institute, you have the
data for this tutorial within the SJER directory. If you would like to just
download the data for this tutorial use the following links.
In this tutorial, we will calculate the biomass for a section of the SJER site. We will be using the Canopy Height Model discrete LiDAR data product as well as NEON field data on vegetation data. This tutorial will calculate biomass for individual
trees in the forest.
The calculation of biomass consists of four primary steps:
Delineate individual tree crowns
Calculate predictor variables for all individual trees
Collect training data
Apply a Random Forest regression model to estimate biomass from the predictor variables
In this tutorial we will use a watershed segmentation algorithm for delineating tree crowns (step 1) and and a Random Forest (RF) machine learning algorithm for relating the predictor variables to biomass (part 4). The predictor variables were
selected following suggestions by Gleason et al. (2012) and biomass estimates were determined from DBH (diameter at breast height) measurements following relationships given in Jenkins et al. (2003).
Get Started
First, we will import some Python packages required to run various parts of the script:
import os, sys
import gdal, osr
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import ndimage as ndi
%matplotlib inline
Next, we will add libraries from scikit-learn which will help with the watershed delination, determination of predictor variables and random forest algorithm
#Import biomass specific libraries
from skimage.morphology import watershed
from skimage.feature import peak_local_max
from skimage.measure import regionprops
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
We also need to specify the directory where we will find and save the data needed for this tutorial. You may need to change this line to follow a different working directory structure, or to suit your local machine. I have decided to save my data in the following directory:
raster2array: function to conver rasters to an array
def raster2array(geotif_file):
metadata = {}
dataset = gdal.Open(geotif_file)
metadata['array_rows'] = dataset.RasterYSize
metadata['array_cols'] = dataset.RasterXSize
metadata['bands'] = dataset.RasterCount
metadata['driver'] = dataset.GetDriver().LongName
metadata['projection'] = dataset.GetProjection()
metadata['geotransform'] = dataset.GetGeoTransform()
mapinfo = dataset.GetGeoTransform()
metadata['pixelWidth'] = mapinfo[1]
metadata['pixelHeight'] = mapinfo[5]
metadata['ext_dict'] = {}
metadata['ext_dict']['xMin'] = mapinfo[0]
metadata['ext_dict']['xMax'] = mapinfo[0] + dataset.RasterXSize/mapinfo[1]
metadata['ext_dict']['yMin'] = mapinfo[3] + dataset.RasterYSize/mapinfo[5]
metadata['ext_dict']['yMax'] = mapinfo[3]
metadata['extent'] = (metadata['ext_dict']['xMin'],metadata['ext_dict']['xMax'],
if metadata['bands'] == 1:
raster = dataset.GetRasterBand(1)
metadata['noDataValue'] = raster.GetNoDataValue()
metadata['scaleFactor'] = raster.GetScale()
# band statistics
metadata['bandstats'] = {} # make a nested dictionary to store band stats in same
stats = raster.GetStatistics(True,True)
metadata['bandstats']['min'] = round(stats[0],2)
metadata['bandstats']['max'] = round(stats[1],2)
metadata['bandstats']['mean'] = round(stats[2],2)
metadata['bandstats']['stdev'] = round(stats[3],2)
array = dataset.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray(0,0,
array = array/metadata['scaleFactor']
return array, metadata
print('More than one band ... function only set up for single band data')
crown_geometric_volume_pct: function to get the tree height and crown volume percentiles
def crown_geometric_volume_pct(tree_data,min_tree_height,pct):
p = np.percentile(tree_data, pct)
tree_data_pct = [v if v < p else p for v in tree_data]
crown_geometric_volume_pct = np.sum(tree_data_pct - min_tree_height)
return crown_geometric_volume_pct, p
get_predictors: function to get the predictor variables from the biomass data
With everything set up, we can now start working with our data by define the file path to our CHM file. Note that you will need to change this and subsequent filepaths according to your local machine.
#Plot the original CHM
#Plot the CHM figure
'Canopy Height Model',
'Canopy Height (m)',
'Greens',[0, 9])
It looks like SJER primarily has low vegetation with scattered taller trees.
Create Filtered CHM
Now we will use a Gaussian smoothing kernal (convolution) across the data set to remove spurious high vegetation points. This will help ensure we are finding the treetops properly before running the watershed segmentation algorithm.
For different forest types it may be necessary to change the input parameters. Information on the function can be found in the SciPy documentation.
Of most importance are the second and fifth inputs. The second input defines the standard deviation of the Gaussian smoothing kernal. Too large a value will apply too much smoothing, too small and some spurious high points may be left behind. The fifth, the truncate value, controls after how many standard deviations the Gaussian kernal will get cut off (since it theoretically goes to infinity).
#Smooth the CHM using a gaussian filter to remove spurious points
chm_array_smooth = ndi.gaussian_filter(chm_array,2,mode='constant',cval=0,truncate=2.0)
chm_array_smooth[chm_array==0] = 0
Now save a copy of filtered CHM. We will later use this in our code, so we'll output it into our data directory.
#Save the smoothed CHM
Determine local maximums
Now we will run an algorithm to determine local maximums within the image. Setting indices to False returns a raster of the maximum points, as opposed to a list of coordinates. The footprint parameter is an area where only a single peak can be found. This should be approximately the size of the smallest tree. Information on more sophisticated methods to define the window can be found in Chen (2006).
#Calculate local maximum points in the smoothed CHM
local_maxi = peak_local_max(chm_array_smooth,indices=False, footprint=np.ones((5, 5)))
Our new object local_maxi is an array of boolean values where each pixel is identified as either being the local maximum (True) or not being the local maximum (False).
This is helpful, but it can be difficult to visualize boolean values using our typical numeric plotting procedures as defined in the plot_band_array function above. Therefore, we will need to convert this boolean array to an numeric format to use this function. Booleans convert easily to integers with values of False=0 and True=1 using the .astype(int) method.
Next we can plot the raster of local maximums by coercing the boolean array into an array of integers inline. The following figure shows the difference in finding local maximums for a filtered vs. non-filtered CHM.
We will save the graphics (.png) in an outputs folder sister to our working directory and data outputs (.tif) to our data directory.
#Plot the local maximums
[0, 1])
plt.savefig(data_path+chm_name[0:-4]+ '_Maximums.png',
If we were to look at the overlap between the tree crowns and the local maxima from each method, it would appear a bit like this raster.
The difference in finding local maximums for a filtered vs. un-filtered CHM.
Source: National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
Apply labels to all of the local maximum points
#Identify all the maximum points
markers = ndi.label(local_maxi)[0]
Next we will create a mask layer of all of the vegetation points so that the watershed segmentation will only occur on the trees and not extend into the surrounding ground points. Since 0 represent ground points in the CHM, setting the mask to 1 where the CHM is not zero will define the mask
#Create a CHM mask so the segmentation will only occur on the trees
chm_mask = chm_array_smooth
chm_mask[chm_array_smooth != 0] = 1
Watershed segmentation
As in a river system, a watershed is divided by a ridge that divides areas. Here our watershed are the individual tree canopies and the ridge is the delineation between each one.
A raster classified based on watershed segmentation.
Source: National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
Next, we will perform the watershed segmentation which produces a raster of labels.
Now we will get several properties of the individual trees will be used as predictor variables.
#Get the properties of each segment
tree_properties = regionprops(labels,chm_array)
Now we will get the predictor variables to match the (soon to be loaded) training data using the get_predictors function defined above. The first column will be segment IDs, the rest will be the predictor variables, namely the tree label, area, major_axis_length, maximum height, minimum height, height percentiles (p50, p60, p70), and crown geometric volume percentiles (full and percentiles 50, 60, and 70).
predictors_chm = np.array([get_predictors(tree, chm_array, labels) for tree in tree_properties])
X = predictors_chm[:,1:]
tree_ids = predictors_chm[:,0]
Training data
We now bring in the training data file which is a simple CSV file with no header. If you haven't yet downloaded this, you can scroll up to the top of the lesson and find the Download Data section. The first column is biomass, and the remaining columns are the same predictor variables defined above. The tree diameter and max height are defined in the NEON vegetation structure data along with the tree DBH. The field validated values are used for training, while the other were determined from the CHM and camera images by manually delineating the tree crowns and pulling out the relevant information from the CHM.
Biomass was calculated from DBH according to the formulas in Jenkins et al. (2003).
#Get the full path + training data file
training_data_file = os.path.join(data_path,'SJER_Biomass_Training.csv')
#Read in the training data csv file into a numpy array
training_data = np.genfromtxt(training_data_file,delimiter=',')
#Grab the biomass (Y) from the first column
biomass = training_data[:,0]
#Grab the biomass predictors from the remaining columns
biomass_predictors = training_data[:,1:12]
Random Forest classifiers
We can then define parameters of the Random Forest classifier and fit the predictor variables from the training data to the Biomass estimates.
#Define parameters for the Random Forest Regressor
max_depth = 30
#Define regressor settings
regr_rf = RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=max_depth, random_state=2)
#Fit the biomass to regressor variables,biomass)
We will now apply the Random Forest model to the predictor variables to estimate biomass
#Apply the model to the predictors
estimated_biomass = regr_rf.predict(X)
To output a raster, pre-allocate (copy) an array from the labels raster, then cycle through the segments and assign the biomass estimate to each individual tree segment.
#Set an out raster with the same size as the labels
biomass_map = np.array((labels),dtype=float)
#Assign the appropriate biomass to the labels
biomass_map[biomass_map==0] = np.nan
for tree_id, biomass_of_tree_id in zip(tree_ids, estimated_biomass):
biomass_map[biomass_map == tree_id] = biomass_of_tree_id
Calculate Biomass
Collect some of the biomass statistics and then plot the results and save an output geotiff.
#Get biomass stats for plotting
mean_biomass = np.mean(estimated_biomass)
std_biomass = np.std(estimated_biomass)
min_biomass = np.min(estimated_biomass)
sum_biomass = np.sum(estimated_biomass)
print('Sum of biomass is ',sum_biomass,' kg')
# Plot the biomass!
'Biomass (kg)','Biomass (kg)',
[min_biomass+std_biomass, mean_biomass+std_biomass*3])
# Save the biomass figure; use the same name as the original file, but replace CHM with Biomass
# Use the array2raster function to create a geotiff file of the Biomass
This tutorial covers how to create a hillshade from a terrain raster in Python, and demonstrates a few options for visualizing lidar-derived Digital Elevation Models.
After completing this tutorial, you will be able to:
Understand how to read in and visualize Lidar elevation models (DTM, DSM) in Python
Plot a contour map of the DTM
Create a hillshade from the DTM
Calculate and plot Canopy Height along with hillshade and elevation
Install Python Packages
Download Data
For this lesson, we will read in Digital Terrain Model (DTM) data collected at NEON's Lower Teakettle (TEAK) site in California. This data is downloaded in the first part of the tutorial, using the Python requests package.
Additional Resources
NEON'S Airborne Observation Platform provides Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents (ATBDs) for all of their data products. Please refer to the ATBDs below for a more in-depth understanding of how the Lidar-derived rasters are generated.
import os
import numpy as np
import requests
import rasterio as rio
from rasterio.plot import show
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Read in the datasets
Download Lidar Elevation Models from TEAK
To start, we will download the NEON Elevation Models (DTM and DSM) which are provided in geotiff (.tif) format. Use the download_url function below to download the data directly from the cloud storage location.
For more information on these data products, refer to the NEON Data Portal page, linked below:
# function to download data stored on the internet in a public url to a local file
def download_url(url,download_dir):
if not os.path.isdir(download_dir):
filename = url.split('/')[-1]
r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
file_object = open(os.path.join(download_dir,filename),'wb')
# define the urls for downloading the Aspect and NDVI geotiff tiles
dtm_url = ""
dsm_url = ""
# download the raster data using the download_url function
# display the contents in the ./data folder to confirm the download completed
Calculate Hillshade
Hillshade is used to visualize the hypothetical illumination value (from 0-255) of each pixel on a surface given a specified light source. To calculate hillshade, we need the zenith (altitude) and azimuth of the illumination source, as well as the slope and aspect of the terrain. The formula for hillshade is:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6,6))
dtm_map = show(dtm_dataset,title='Digital Terrain Model',ax=ax);
show(dtm_dataset,contour=True, ax=ax); #overlay the contours
im = dtm_map.get_images()[0]
fig.colorbar(im, label = 'Elevation (m)', ax=ax) # add a colorbar
ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False, style='plain') # turn off scientific notation
Now that we have a function to generate hillshade, we need to read in the DTM raster using rasterio and then calculate hillshade using the hillshade function. We can then plot both.
# Use hillshade function on the DTM data array
hs_data = hillshade(dtm_data,225,45)
Canopy Height can be simply calculated by subtracting the Digital Terrain Model from the Digital Surface Model. While NEON's CHM is calculated using a slightly more sophisticated "pit-free" algorithm (see the ATBD linked at the top of this tutorial), in this example, we'll calculate the CHM with the simple difference formula. First, read in the DSM data set, which we previously downloaded into the data folder.
This tutorial teaches how to open a NEON AOP HDF5 file with a function,
batch processing several HDF5 files, relative comparison between several
NIS observations of the same target from different view angles, error checking.
After completing this tutorial, you will be able to:
Open NEON AOP HDF5 files using a function
Batch process several HDF5 files
Complete relative comparisons between several imaging spectrometer observations of the same target from different view angles
Error check the data.
Install Python Packages
Download Data
To complete this tutorial, you will use data available from the NEON 2017 Data
Institute teaching dataset available for download.
This tutorial will use the files contained in the 'F07A' Directory in this ShareFile Directory. You will want to download the entire directory as a single ZIP file, then extract that file into a location where you store your data.
Caution: This dataset includes all the data for the 2017 Data Institute,
including hyperspectral and lidar datasets and is therefore a large file (12 GB).
Ensure that you have sufficient space on your
hard drive before you begin the download. If not, download to an external
hard drive and make sure to correct for the change in file path when working
through the tutorial.
The NEON AOP has flown several special flight plans called BRDF
(bi-directional reflectance distribution function) flights. These flights were
designed to quantify the the effect of observing targets from a variety of
different look-angles, and with varying surface roughness. This allows an
assessment of the sensitivity of the NEON imaging spectrometer (NIS) results to these paraemters. THe BRDF
flight plan takes the form of a star pattern with repeating overlapping flight
lines in each direction. In the center of the pattern is an area where nearly
all the flight lines overlap. This area allows us to retrieve a reflectance
curve of the same targat from the many different flight lines to visualize
how then change for each acquisition. The following figure displays a BRDF
flight plan as well as the number of flightlines (samples) which are
Top: Flight lines from a bi-directional reflectance distribution
function flight at ORNL. Bottom: A graphical representation of the number of
samples in each area of the sampling.
Source: National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
To date (June 2017), the NEON AOP has flown a BRDF flight at SJER and SOAP (D17) and
ORNL (D07). We will work with the ORNL BRDF flight and retrieve reflectance
curves from up to 18 lines and compare them to visualize the differences in the
resulting curves. To reduce the file size, each of the BRDF flight lines have
been reduced to a rectangular area covering where all lines are overlapping,
additionally several of the ancillary rasters normally included have been
removed in order to reduce file size.
We'll start off by again adding necessary libraries and our NEON AOP HDF5 reader
import h5py
import csv
import numpy as np
import os
import gdal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
from math import floor
import time
import warnings
def h5refl2array(h5_filename):
hdf5_file = h5py.File(h5_filename,'r')
#Get the site name
file_attrs_string = str(list(hdf5_file.items()))
file_attrs_string_split = file_attrs_string.split("'")
sitename = file_attrs_string_split[1]
refl = hdf5_file[sitename]['Reflectance']
reflArray = refl['Reflectance_Data']
refl_shape = reflArray.shape
wavelengths = refl['Metadata']['Spectral_Data']['Wavelength']
#Create dictionary containing relevant metadata information
metadata = {}
metadata['shape'] = reflArray.shape
metadata['mapInfo'] = refl['Metadata']['Coordinate_System']['Map_Info']
#Extract no data value & set no data value to NaN\n",
metadata['scaleFactor'] = float(reflArray.attrs['Scale_Factor'])
metadata['noDataVal'] = float(reflArray.attrs['Data_Ignore_Value'])
metadata['bad_band_window1'] = (refl.attrs['Band_Window_1_Nanometers'])
metadata['bad_band_window2'] = (refl.attrs['Band_Window_2_Nanometers'])
metadata['projection'] = refl['Metadata']['Coordinate_System']['Proj4'].value
metadata['EPSG'] = int(refl['Metadata']['Coordinate_System']['EPSG Code'].value)
mapInfo = refl['Metadata']['Coordinate_System']['Map_Info'].value
mapInfo_string = str(mapInfo); #print('Map Info:',mapInfo_string)\n",
mapInfo_split = mapInfo_string.split(",")
#Extract the resolution & convert to floating decimal number
metadata['res'] = {}
metadata['res']['pixelWidth'] = mapInfo_split[5]
metadata['res']['pixelHeight'] = mapInfo_split[6]
#Extract the upper left-hand corner coordinates from mapInfo\n",
xMin = float(mapInfo_split[3]) #convert from string to floating point number\n",
yMax = float(mapInfo_split[4])
#Calculate the xMax and yMin values from the dimensions\n",
xMax = xMin + (refl_shape[1]*float(metadata['res']['pixelWidth'])) #xMax = left edge + (# of columns * resolution)\n",
yMin = yMax - (refl_shape[0]*float(metadata['res']['pixelHeight'])) #yMin = top edge - (# of rows * resolution)\n",
metadata['extent'] = (xMin,xMax,yMin,yMax),
metadata['ext_dict'] = {}
metadata['ext_dict']['xMin'] = xMin
metadata['ext_dict']['xMax'] = xMax
metadata['ext_dict']['yMin'] = yMin
metadata['ext_dict']['yMax'] = yMax
return reflArray, metadata, wavelengths
print('Starting BRDF Analysis')
Starting BRDF Analysis
First we will define the extents of the rectangular array containing the section from each BRDF flightline.
Next we will define the coordinates of the target of interest. These can be set as any coordinate pait that falls within the rectangle above, therefore the coordaintes must be in UTM Zone 16 N.
x_coord = 740600
y_coord = 3982000
To prevent the function of failing, we will first check to ensure the coordinates are within the rectangular bounding box. If they are not, we throw an error message and exit from the script.
if BRDF_rectangle[0,0] <= x_coord <= BRDF_rectangle[1,0] and BRDF_rectangle[1,1] <= y_coord <= BRDF_rectangle[0,1]:
print('Point in bounding area')
y_index = floor(x_coord - BRDF_rectangle[0,0])
x_index = floor(BRDF_rectangle[0,1] - y_coord)
print('Point not in bounding area, exiting')
raise Exception('exit')
Point in bounding area
Now we will define the location of the all the subset NEON AOP h5 files from the BRDF flight
## You will need to update this filepath for your local data directory
h5_directory = "/Users/olearyd/Git/data/F07A/"
Now we will grab all files / folders within the defined directory and then cycle through them and retain only the h5files
files = os.listdir(h5_directory)
h5_files = [i for i in files if i.endswith('.h5')]
Now we will print the h5 files to make sure they have been included and set up a figure for plotting all of the reflectance curves
Now we will begin cycling through all of the h5 files and retrieving the information we need also print the file that is currently being processed
Inside the for loop we will
read in the reflectance data and the associated metadata, but construct the file name from the generated file list
Determine the indexes of the water vapor bands (bad band windows) in order to mask out all of the bad bands
Read in the reflectance dataset using the NEON AOP H5 reader function
Check the first value the first value of the reflectance curve (actually any value). If it is equivalent to the NO DATA value, then coordainte chosen did not intersect a pixel for the flight line. We will just continue and move to the next line.
Apply NaN values to the areas contianing the bad bands
Split the contents of the file name so we can get the line number for labelling in the plot.
Plot the curve
for file in h5_files:
print('Working on ' + file)
[reflArray,metadata,wavelengths] = h5refl2array(h5_directory+file)
bad_band_window1 = (metadata['bad_band_window1'])
bad_band_window2 = (metadata['bad_band_window2'])
index_bad_window1 = [i for i, x in enumerate(wavelengths) if x > bad_band_window1[0] and x < bad_band_window1[1]]
index_bad_window2 = [i for i, x in enumerate(wavelengths) if x > bad_band_window2[0] and x < bad_band_window2[1]]
index_bad_windows = index_bad_window1+index_bad_window2
reflectance_curve = np.asarray(reflArray[y_index,x_index,:], dtype=np.float32)
if reflectance_curve[0] == metadata['noDataVal']:
reflectance_curve[index_bad_windows] = np.nan
filename_split = (file).split("_")
ax.plot(wavelengths,reflectance_curve/metadata['scaleFactor'],label = filename_split[5]+' Reflectance')
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_162007_reflectance_modify.h5
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_172430_reflectance_modify.h5
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_170118_reflectance_modify.h5
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_164259_reflectance_modify.h5
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_171403_reflectance_modify.h5
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_160846_reflectance_modify.h5
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_170922_reflectance_modify.h5
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_162514_reflectance_modify.h5
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_160444_reflectance_modify.h5
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_170538_reflectance_modify.h5
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_171852_reflectance_modify.h5
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_163945_reflectance_modify.h5
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_163424_reflectance_modify.h5
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_165240_reflectance_modify.h5
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_161228_reflectance_modify.h5
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_162951_reflectance_modify.h5
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_161532_reflectance_modify.h5
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_165711_reflectance_modify.h5
Working on NEON_D07_F07A_DP1_20160611_164809_reflectance_modify.h5
This plots the reflectance curves from all lines onto the same plot. Now, we will add the appropriate legend and plot labels, display and save the plot with the coordaintes in the file name so we can repeat the position of the target
It is possible that the figure above does not display properly, which is why we use the method above to store the resulting figure as its own PNG file in the same directory as this Jupyter Notebook file.
The result is a plot with all the curves in which we can visualize the difference in the observations simply by chaging the flight direction with repect to the ground target.
Experiment with changing the coordinates to analyze different targets within the rectangle.
In this tutorial we will learn how to retrieve reflectance curves from a pre-specified coordinate in a NEON AOP HDF5 file, retrieve bad band window indexes and mask portions of a reflectance curve, plot reflectance curves, and gain an understanding of some sources of uncertainty in Neon Imaging Spectrometer (NIS) data.
After completing this tutorial, you will be able to:
Retrieve reflectance curves from a pre-specified coordinate in a NEON AOP HDF5 file
Retrieve bad band window indexes and mask these invalid portions of the reflectance curves
Plot reflectance curves on a graph and save the file
Explain some sources of uncertainty in NEON Image Spectrometry data
Install Python Packages
Download Data
To complete this tutorial, you will use data from the NEON 2017 Data Institute. You can read in and download all the required data for this lesson as follows, and as described later on.
In this tutorial we will be examining the accuracy of the Neon Imaging Spectrometer (NIS) against targets with known reflectance values. The targets consist of two 10 x 10 m tarps which have been specially designed to have 3% reflectance (black tarp) and
48% reflectance (white tarp) across all of the wavelengths collected by the NIS (see images below). During the Sept. 12 2016 flight over the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest (CHEQ), an area in D05 which is part of NEON's Steigerwaldt (STEI) site, these tarps were deployed in a gravel pit. During the airborne overflight, observations were also taken over the tarps with an Analytical Spectral Device (ASD), which is a hand-held field spectrometer. The ASD measurements provide a validation source against the airborne measurements.
The validation tarps, 3% reflectance (black tarp) and 48% reflectance (white tarp), laid out in the field. Source: National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
To test the accuracy, we will plot reflectance curves from the ASD measurments over the spectral tarps as well as reflectance curves from the NIS over the associated flight line. We can then carry out absolute and relative comparisons. The major error sources in the NIS can be generally categorized into the following components:
Calibration of the sensor
Quality of ortho-rectification
Accuracy of radiative transfer code and subsequent ATCOR interpolation
Selection of atmospheric input parameters
Terrain relief
Terrain cover
Note that ATCOR (the atmospheric correction software used by AOP) specifies the accuracy of reflectance retrievals to be between 3 and 5% of total reflectance. The tarps are located in a flat area, therefore, influences by terrain relief should be minimal. We will have to keep the remining errors in mind as we analyze the data.
Get Started
We'll start by importing all of the necessary packages to run the Python script.
Define a function to read the hdf5 reflectance files and associated metadata into Python:
def h5refl2array(h5_filename):
hdf5_file = h5py.File(h5_filename,'r')
#Get the site name
file_attrs_string = str(list(hdf5_file.items()))
file_attrs_string_split = file_attrs_string.split("'")
sitename = file_attrs_string_split[1]
refl = hdf5_file[sitename]['Reflectance']
reflArray = refl['Reflectance_Data']
refl_shape = reflArray.shape
wavelengths = refl['Metadata']['Spectral_Data']['Wavelength']
#Create dictionary containing relevant metadata information
metadata = {}
metadata['shape'] = reflArray.shape
metadata['mapInfo'] = refl['Metadata']['Coordinate_System']['Map_Info']
#Extract no data value & set no data value to NaN\n",
metadata['scaleFactor'] = float(reflArray.attrs['Scale_Factor'])
metadata['noDataVal'] = float(reflArray.attrs['Data_Ignore_Value'])
metadata['bad_band_window1'] = (refl.attrs['Band_Window_1_Nanometers'])
metadata['bad_band_window2'] = (refl.attrs['Band_Window_2_Nanometers'])
metadata['projection'] = refl['Metadata']['Coordinate_System']['Proj4'][()]
metadata['EPSG'] = int(refl['Metadata']['Coordinate_System']['EPSG Code'][()])
mapInfo = refl['Metadata']['Coordinate_System']['Map_Info'][()]
mapInfo_string = str(mapInfo); #print('Map Info:',mapInfo_string)\n",
mapInfo_split = mapInfo_string.split(",")
#Extract the resolution & convert to floating decimal number
metadata['res'] = {}
metadata['res']['pixelWidth'] = mapInfo_split[5]
metadata['res']['pixelHeight'] = mapInfo_split[6]
#Extract the upper left-hand corner coordinates from mapInfo\n",
xMin = float(mapInfo_split[3]) #convert from string to floating point number\n",
yMax = float(mapInfo_split[4])
#Calculate the xMax and yMin values from the dimensions\n",
xMax = xMin + (refl_shape[1]*float(metadata['res']['pixelWidth'])) #xMax = left edge + (# of columns * resolution)\n",
yMin = yMax - (refl_shape[0]*float(metadata['res']['pixelHeight'])) #yMin = top edge - (# of rows * resolution)\n",
metadata['extent'] = (xMin,xMax,yMin,yMax),
metadata['ext_dict'] = {}
metadata['ext_dict']['xMin'] = xMin
metadata['ext_dict']['xMax'] = xMax
metadata['ext_dict']['yMin'] = yMin
metadata['ext_dict']['yMax'] = yMax
return reflArray, metadata, wavelengths
Set up the directory where you are storing the data for this lesson. The variable h5_filename is the flightline which covers the tarps. Save the h5 file which you downloaded (see the Download Data instructions at the beginning of the tutorial) to your working directory. For this lesson we've set up a subfolder './data' in the current working directory to save all the data. You can save it elsewhere, but just need to update your code to point to the correct directory.
## You will need to change these filepaths according to how you've set up your directory
## As you can see here, I saved the files downloaded above into a sub-directory named "./data"
h5_filename = r'./data/NEON_D05_CHEQ_DP1_20160912_160540_reflectance.h5'
Define a function that will read in the contents of a url and write it out to a file:
We can now set the path to these files. The files read into the variables tarp_48_filename and tarp_03_filename contain the field validated spectra for the white and black tarp respectively, organized by wavelength and reflectance.
We want to pull the spectra from the airborne data from the center of the tarp to minimize any errors introduced by infiltrating light in adjacent pixels, or through errors in ortho-rectification (source 2). We have pre-determined the coordinates for the center of each tarp which are as follows:
48% reflectance tarp UTMx: 727487, UTMy: 5078970
3% reflectance tarp UTMx: 727497, UTMy: 5078970
The validation tarps, 3% reflectance (black tarp) and 48% reflectance (white tarp), laid out in the field.
Source: National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
Within the reflectance curves there are areas with noisy data due to atmospheric windows in the water absorption bands. For this exercise we do not want to plot these areas as they obscure details in the plots due to their anomolous values. The metadata associated with these band locations is contained in the metadata gathered by our function. We will pull out these areas as 'bad band windows' and determine which indexes in the reflectance curves encompass these bad bands.
bad_band_window1 = (metadata['bad_band_window1'])
bad_band_window2 = (metadata['bad_band_window2'])
index_bad_window1 = [i for i, x in enumerate(wavelengths) if x > bad_band_window1[0] and x < bad_band_window1[1]]
index_bad_window2 = [i for i, x in enumerate(wavelengths) if x > bad_band_window2[0] and x < bad_band_window2[1]]
# join the lists of indexes into a single variable
index_bad_windows = index_bad_window1 + index_bad_window2
The reflectance data is saved in files which are 'tab delimited.' We will use a numpy function np.genfromtxt to read in the tarp reflectance data observed with the ASD using the tab ('\t') delimiter.
The next step is to determine which pixel in the reflectance data belongs to the center of each tarp. To do this, we will subtract the tarp center pixel location from the upper left corner pixels specified in the map info of the H5 file. This information is saved in the metadata dictionary output from our function that reads NEON AOP HDF5 files. The difference between these coordinates gives us the x and y index of the reflectance curve.
Next, we will plot both the curve from the airborne data taken at the center of the tarps as well as the curves obtained from the ASD data to provide a visualization of their consistency for both tarps. Once generated, we will also save the figure to a pre-determined location.
This produces plots showing the results of the ASD and airborne measurements over the 48% tarp. Visually, the comparison between the two appears to be fairly good. However, over the 3% tarp we appear to be over-estimating the reflectance. Large absolute differences could be associated with ATCOR input parameters (source 4). For example, the user must input the local visibility, which is related to aerosol optical thickness (AOT). We don't measure this at every site, therefore input a standard parameter for all sites.
Given the 3% reflectance tarp has much lower overall reflectance, it may be more informative to determine what the absolute difference between the two curves are and plot that as well.
From this we are able to see that the 48% tarp actually has larger absolute differences than the 3% tarp. The 48% tarp performs poorly at the shortest and longest wavelenghths as well as near the edges of the bad band windows. This is related to difficulty in calibrating the sensor in these sensitive areas.
Let's now determine the result of the percent difference, which is the metric used by ATCOR to report accuracy. We can do this by calculating the ratio of the absolute difference between curves to the total reflectance
From these plots we can see that even though the absolute error on the 48% tarp was larger, the relative error on the 48% tarp is generally much smaller. The 3% tarp can have errors exceeding 50% for most of the tarp. This indicates that targets with low reflectance values may have higher relative errors.
This tutorial covers how to set up a Central Repo as a remote to your local repo
in order to update your local fork with updates. You want to do this every time
before starting new edits in your local repo.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this activity, you will be able to:
Explain why it is important to update a local repo before beginning edits.
Update your local repository from a remote (upstream) central repo.
We've forked (made an individual copy of) the NEONScience/DI-NEON-participants repo to
our account.
We've cloned the forked repo - making a copy of it on our local computers.
We've added files and content to our local copy of the repo and committed
the changes.
We've pushed those changes back up to our forked repo on
We've completed a Pull Request to update the central repository with our
Once you're all setup to work on your project, you won't need to repeat the fork
and clone steps. But you do want to update your local repository with any changes
other's may have added to the central repository. How do we do this?
We will do this by directly pulling the updates from the central repo to our
local repo by setting up the local repo as a "remote". A "remote" repo is any
repo which is not the repo that you are currently working in.
LEFT: You will fork and clone a repo only once . RIGHT: After that,
you will update your fork from the central repository by setting
it up as a remote and pulling from it with git pull .
Source: National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
Update, then Work
Once you've established working in your repo, you should follow these steps
when starting to work each time in the repo:
Update your local repo from the central repo (git pull upstream master).
Make edits, save, git add, and git commit all in your local repo.
Push changes from local repo to your fork on (git push origin master)
Update the central repo from your fork (Pull Request)
Notice that we've already learned how to do steps 2-4, now we are completing
the circle by learning to update our local repo directly with any changes from
the central repo.
The order of steps above is important as it ensures that you incorporate any
changes that have been made to the NEON central repository into your forked & local
repos prior to adding changes to the central repo. If you do not sync in this order,
you are at greater risk of creating a merge conflict.
What's A Merge Conflict?
A merge conflict
occurs when two users edit the same part of a file at the same time. Git cannot
decide which edit was first and which was last, and therefore which edit should
be in the most current copy. Hence the conflict.
Merge conflicts occur when the same part of a script or
document has been changed simultaneously and Git can’t determine which change should be
applied. Source: Atlassian
Set up Upstream Remote
We want to directly update our local repo with any changes made in the central
repo prior to starting our next edits or additions. To do this we need to set
up the central repository as an upstream remote for our repo.
Step 1: Get Central Repository URL
First, we need the URL of the central repository. Navigate to the central
repository in GitHub NEONScience/DI-NEON-participants. Select the
green Clone or Download button (just like we did when we cloned the repo) to
copy the URL of the repo.
Step 2: Add the Remote
Second, we need to connect the upstream remote -- the central repository to
our local repo.
Make sure you are still in you local repository in bash
Here you are identifying that is is a git command with git and then that you
are adding an upstream remote with the given URL.
Step 3: Update Local Repo
Use git pull to sync your local repo with the forked repo.
Second, update local repo using git pull with the added directions of
upstream indicating the central repository and master specifying which
branch you are pulling down (remember, branches are a great tool to look into
once you're comfortable with Git and GitHub, but we aren't going to focus on
them. Just use master).
Understand the output: The output will change with every update, several
things to look for in the output:
remote: …: tells you how many items have changed.
From https:URL: which remote repository is data being pulled from. We set up
the central repository as the remote but it can be lots of other repos too.
Section with + and - : this visually shows you which documents are updated
and the types of edits (additions/deletions) that were made.
Now that you've synced your local repo, let's check the status of the repo.
$ git status
Step 4: Complete the Cycle
Now you are set up with the additions, you will need to add and commit those changes.
Once you've done that, you can push the changes back up to your fork on
$ git push origin master
Now your commits are added to your forked repo on and you're ready
to repeat the loop with a Pull Request.
git pull upstream master - pull down any changes and sync the local repo with the central repo
make changes, git add and git commit
git push origin master - push your changes up to your fork
Have questions? No problem. Leave your question in the comment box below.
It's likely some of your colleagues have the same question, too! And also
likely someone else knows the answer.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to efficiently read in hyperspectral surface directional reflectance hdf5 data and metadata, plot a single band and Red-Green-Blue (RGB) band combinations of a reflectance data tile using Python functions created for working with and visualizing NEON AOP hyperspectral data.
We can combine any three bands from the NEON reflectance data to make an RGB image that will depict different information about the Earth's surface. A natural color image, made with bands from the red, green, and blue wavelengths looks close to what we would see with the naked eye. We can also choose band combinations from other wavelenghts, and map them to the red, blue,
and green colors to highlight different features. A false color image is made with one or more bands from a non-visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that are mapped to red, green, and blue colors. These images can display other information about the landscape that is not easily seen with a natural color image.
The NASA Goddard Media Studio video "Peeling Back Landsat's Layers of Data" gives a good quick overview of natural and false color band combinations. Note that the Landsat multispectral sensor collects information from 11 bands, while NEON AOP hyperspectral data captures information spanning 426 bands!
First we can import the required packages and the neon_aop_hyperspectral module, which includes a number of functions which we will use to read in the hyperspectral hdf5 data as well as visualize the data.
import os
import sys
import time
import h5py
import requests
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
This next function is a handy way to download the Python module and data that we will be using for this lesson. This uses the requests package.
# function to download data stored on the internet in a public url to a local file
def download_url(url,download_dir):
if not os.path.isdir(download_dir):
filename = url.split('/')[-1]
r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True)
file_object = open(os.path.join(download_dir,filename),'wb')
Download the module from its location on GitHub, add the python_modules to the path and import the module.
module_url = ""
# os.listdir('../python_modules') #optionally show the contents of this directory to confirm the file downloaded
sys.path.insert(0, '../python_modules')
# import the neon_aop_hyperspectral module, the semicolon supresses an empty plot from displaying
import neon_aop_hyperspectral as neon_hs;
The first function we will use is aop_h5refl2array. We encourage you to look through the code to understand what it is doing behind the scenes. This function automates the steps required to read AOP hdf5 reflectance files into a Python numpy array. This function also cleans the data: it sets any no data values within the reflectance tile to nan (not a number) and applies the reflectance scale factor so the final array that is returned represents unitless scaled reflectance, with values ranging between 0 and 1 (0-100%).
If you forget what this function does, or don't want to scroll up to read the docstrings, remember you can use help or ? to display the associated docstrings.
# neon_hs.aop_h5refl2array? #uncomment for an alternate way to show the help
Help on function aop_h5refl2array in module neon_aop_hyperspectral:
aop_h5refl2array(h5_filename, raster_type_: Literal['Cast_Shadow', 'Data_Selection_Index', 'GLT_Data', 'Haze_Cloud_Water_Map', 'IGM_Data', 'Illumination_Factor', 'OBS_Data', 'Radiance', 'Reflectance', 'Sky_View_Factor', 'to-sensor_Azimuth_Angle', 'to-sensor_Zenith_Angle', 'Visibility_Index_Map', 'Weather_Quality_Indicator'], only_metadata=False)
read in NEON AOP reflectance hdf5 file and return the un-scaled
reflectance array, associated metadata, and wavelengths
h5_filename : string
reflectance hdf5 file name, including full or relative path
raster : string
name of raster value to read in; this will typically be the reflectance data,
but other data stored in the h5 file can be accessed as well
valid options:
Cast_Shadow (ATCOR input)
Haze_Cloud_Water_Map (ATCOR output)
Illumination_Factor (ATCOR input)
Sky_View_Factor (ATCOR input)
Visibility_Index_Map: sea level values of visibility index / total optical thickeness
Weather_Quality_Indicator: estimated percentage of overhead cloud cover during acquisition
raster_array : ndarray
array of reflectance values
metadata: dictionary
associated metadata containing
bad_band_window1 (tuple)
bad_band_window2 (tuple)
bands: # of bands (float)
data ignore value: value corresponding to no data (float)
epsg: coordinate system code (float)
map info: coordinate system, datum & ellipsoid, pixel dimensions, and origin coordinates (string)
reflectance scale factor: factor by which reflectance is scaled (float)
wavelengths: array
wavelength values, in nm
Example Execution:
refl, refl_metadata = aop_h5refl2array('NEON_D02_SERC_DP3_368000_4306000_reflectance.h5','Reflectance')
Now that we have an idea of how this function works, let's try it out. First, let's download a file. For this tutorial, we will use requests to download from the public link where the data is stored on the cloud (Google Cloud Storage). This downloads to a data folder in the working directory, but you can download it to a different location if you prefer.
# define the data_url to point to the cloud storage location of the the hyperspectral hdf5 data file
data_url = ""
# download the h5 data and display how much time it took to download (uncomment 1st and 3rd lines)
# start_time = time.time()
# print("--- It took %s seconds to download the data ---" % round((time.time() - start_time),1))
# display the contents in the ./data folder to confirm the download completed
# read the h5 reflectance file (including the full path) to the variable h5_file_name
h5_file_name = data_url.split('/')[-1]
h5_tile = os.path.join(".\data",h5_file_name)
print(f'h5_tile: {h5_tile}')
Now that we've specified our reflectance tile, we can call aop_h5refl2array to read in the reflectance tile as a python array called refl , the metadata into a dictionary called refl_metadata, and the wavelengths into an array.
# read in the reflectance data using the aop_h5refl2array function, this may also take a bit of time
start_time = time.time()
refl, refl_metadata, wavelengths = neon_hs.aop_h5refl2array(h5_tile,'Reflectance')
print("--- It took %s seconds to read in the data ---" % round((time.time() - start_time),0))
Reading in .\data\NEON_D03_DSNY_DP3_454000_3113000_reflectance.h5
--- It took 7.0 seconds to read in the data ---
# display the reflectance metadata dictionary contents
We can use the shape method to see the dimensions of the array we read in. Use this method to confirm that the size of the reflectance array makes sense given the hyperspectral data cube, which is 1000 meters x 1000 meters x 426 bands.
(1000, 1000, 426)
plot_aop_refl: plot a single band of the reflectance data
Next we'll use the function plot_aop_refl to plot a single band of reflectance data. You can use help to understand the required inputs and data types for each of these; only the band and spatial extent are required inputs, the rest are optional inputs. If specified, these optional inputs allow you to set the range color values, specify the axis, add a title, colorbar, colorbar title, and change the colormap (default is to plot in greyscale).
band56 = refl[:,:,55]
title='DSNY Tile Band 56',
RGB Plots - Band Stacking
It is often useful to look at several bands together. We can extract and stack three reflectance bands in the red, green, and blue (RGB) spectrums to produce a color image that looks like what we see with our eyes; this is your typical camera image. In the next part of this tutorial, we will learn to stack multiple bands and make a geotif raster from the compilation of these bands. We can see that different combinations of bands allow for different visualizations of the remotely-sensed objects and also conveys useful information about the chemical makeup of the Earth's surface.
We will select bands that fall within the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum (400-700 nm) and at specific points that correspond to what we see as red, green, and blue.
NEON Imaging Spectrometer bands and their respective wavelengths. Source: National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
For this exercise, we'll first use the function stack_rgb to extract the bands we want to stack. This function uses splicing to extract the nth band from the reflectance array, and then uses the numpy function stack to create a new 3D array (1000 x 1000 x 3) consisting of only the three bands we want.
# pull out the true-color band combinations
rgb_bands = (58,34,19) # set the red, green, and blue bands
# stack the 3-band combinations (rgb and cir) using stack_rgb function
rgb_unscaled = neon_hs.stack_rgb(refl,rgb_bands)
# apply the reflectance scale factor
rgb = rgb_unscaled/refl_metadata['scale_factor']
We can display the red, green, and blue band center wavelengths, whose indices were defined above. To confirm that these band indices correspond to wavelengths in the expected portion of the spectrum, we can print out the wavelength values in nanometers.
Center wavelengths:
Band 58: 669.3 nm
Band 33: 549.1 nm
Band 19: 474.0 nm
plot_aop_rgb: plot an RGB band combination
Next, we can use the function plot_aop_rgb to plot the band stack as follows:
# plot the true color image (rgb)
plot_title='DSNY Reflectance RGB Image')
False Color Image - Color Infrared (CIR)
We can also create an image from bands outside of the visible spectrum. An image containing one or more bands outside of the visible range is called a false-color image. Here we'll use the green and blue bands as before, but we replace the red band with a near-infrared (NIR) band.
For more information about non-visible wavelengths, false color images, and some frequently used false-color band combinations, refer to NASA's Earth Observatory page.
cir_bands = (90,34,19)
print('Band 90 Center Wavelength = %.1f' %(wavelengths[89]),'nm')
print('Band 34 Center Wavelength = %.1f' %(wavelengths[33]),'nm')
print('Band 19 Center Wavelength = %.1f' %(wavelengths[18]),'nm')
cir = neon_hs.stack_rgb(refl,cir_bands)
plot_title='DSNY Color Infrared Image')
Clipping input data to the valid range for imshow with RGB data ([0..1] for floats or [0..255] for integers).
Band 90 Center Wavelength = 829.6 nm
Band 34 Center Wavelength = 549.1 nm
Band 19 Center Wavelength = 474.0 nm
In this tutorial you will learn how to open a .tiff file in Jupyter Notebook and learn about kernels.
The goal of the activity is simply to ensure that you have basic
familiarity with Jupyter Notebooks and that the environment, especially the
gdal package is correctly set up before you pursue more programming tutorials. If you already
are familiar with Jupyter Notebooks using Python, you may be able to complete the
assignment without working through the instructions.
This will be accomplished by:
*Create a new Jupyter kernel
*Download a GEOTIFF file
*Import file onto Jupyter Notebooks
*Check the raster size
Assignment: Open a Tiff File in Jupyter Notebook
Set up Environment
First, we will set up the environment as you would need for each of the live
coding sections of the Data Institute. The following directions are copied over
from the Data Institute Set up Materials.
In your terminal application, navigate to the directory (cd) that where you
want the Jupyter Notebooks to be saved (or where they already exist).
We need to create a new Jupyter kernel for the Python 3.8 conda environment
(py38) that Jupyter Notebooks will use.
In your Command Prompt/Terminal, navigate to the directory (cd) that you
created last week in the GitHub materials. This is where the Jupyter Notebook
will be saved and the easiest way to access existing notebooks.
###Open Jupyter Notebook
Open Jupyter Notebook by typing into a command terminal:
jupyter notebook
Once the notebook is open, check which version of Python you are in.
# Check what version of Python. Should be 3.8.
import sys
To ensure that the correct kernel will operate, navigate to Kernel in the menu,
select Kernel/Restart Kernel And Clear All Outputs.
To ensure that the correct kernel will operate, navigate to
Kernel in the menu, select "Restart/Restart & Clear Output".
Source: National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
Once downloaded, navigate through the folder to\NEON-DS-Airborne-Remote-Sensing\SJER\DTM and save this file onto your own personal working directory.
###Open GEOTIFF file in Jupyter Notebooks using gdal
The gdal package that occasionally has problems with some versions of Python.
Therefore test out loading it using:
import gdal.
If you have trouble, ensure that 'gdal' is installed on your current environment.
Establish your directory
Place the downloaded dtm file in a repository of your choice (or your current
working directory). Navigate to that directory.
wd= '/your-file-path-here' #Input the directory to where you saved the .tif file
Import the TIFF
Import the NEON GeoTiFF file of the digital terrain model (DTM)
from San Joaquin Experimental Range. Open the file using the gdal.Open command.Determine the size of the raster and (optional) plot the raster.
#Use GDAL to open GEOTIFF file stored in your directory
SJER_DTM = gdal.Open(wd + 'SJER_dtmCrop.tif')>
#Determine the raster size.
Add in both code chunks and text (markdown) chunks to fully explain what is done. If you would like to also plot the file, feel free to do so.
You can set up your notebook in several ways. Here we present the Anaconda Python
distribution method so as to follow the
Data Institute set up instructions.
First, make sure you have an updated browser on which to run the app. Both Mozilla
Firefox and Google Chrome work well.
Data Institute participants should have already installed Jupyter Notebooks
through the Anaconda installation during the
Data Institute set up instructions.
If you install Python using pip you can install the Jupyter package with the
following code.
We need to set up the Python environment that we will be working in for the Notebook.
This allows us to have different Python environments for different projects. The
following directions pertain directly to the set up for the 2018 Data Institute
on Remote Sensing with Reproducible Workflows, however, you can adapt them to
the specific Python version and packages you wish to work with.
If you haven't yet created a Python 3.8 environment (released October 2019), you'll need to do
that now. You can use the single line provided below, or refer back to the Python section of the installation instructions,
for more details. To create this Python 3.8 environment, you must first install Anaconda Navigator onto your computer, then open the Anaconda Prompt application (or your terminal) and type the following into the prompt window:
conda create -n p38 python=3.8 anaconda
And activate the Python 3.8 environment:
On Mac:
source activate p38
On Windows:
activate p38
In the terminal application, navigate to the directory (cd) where you
want the Jupyter Notebooks to be saved (or where they already exist).
Once here, we want to create a new Jupyter kernel for the Python 3.8 conda environment
(p38) that we'll be using with Jupyter Notebooks.
With the p38 environment activated, in your Command Prompt/Terminal, type:
This command tells Python to create a new ipy (aka Jupyter Notebook) kernel using
the Python environment we set up and called "p38". Then we tell it to use the display
name for this new kernel as "Python 3.8 NEON-RSDI". You will use this
name to identify the specific kernel you want to work with in the Notebook space,
so name it descriptively, especially if you think you'll be using several different
Using Jupyter Notebooks
Launching the Application
To launch the application either launch it from the Anaconda Navigator or by
typing jupyter notebook into your terminal or command window.
If everything launched correctly, you should be able to see a screen which looks
something like this. Note that the home directory will be whatever directory you
have navigated to in your terminal before launching Jupyter Notebooks.
To start a new Python notebook, click on the right-hand side of the application
window and select New (the expanded menu is shown in the screen shot above).
This will give you several options for new notebook kernels depending on what
is installed on your computer. In the above screenshot, there are two available
Python kernels and one Matlab kernel. When starting a notebook, you should choose
Python 3 if it is available or conda(root) .
Once you start a new notebook, you will be brought to the following screen.
There are many available buttons for you to click. The three most important
components of the notebook are highlighted in colored boxes.
In blue is the name of the notebook. By clicking this, you can rename
the notebook.
In red is the cell formatting assignment. By default, it is registered
as code, but it can also be set to markdown as described later.
In purple, is the code cell. In this cell, you can type an execute
Python code as well as text that will be formatted in a nicely readable format.
Selecting a Kernel
A kernel is a server that enables you to run commands within Jupyter Notebook. It is visible via a prompt window that logs all your actions in the notebook, making it helpful to refer to when encountering errors. You'll be prompted to select a kernel when you open a new notebook, however, if
you are opening an existing notebook you will want to ensure that you are
using the correct kernel. The commands for selecting and changing kernels are in
the Kernel menu.
When you select or switch a kernel, you may want to use the navigate to Kernel in the menu,
select Restart/ClearOutlook. The Restart/ClearOutlook option ensures that
the correct kernel will operate.
You can always check what version of Python you are running by typing the following
into a code cell.
# Check what version of Python. Should be 3.5.
import sys
All code you write in the notebook will be in the code cell. You can write
single lines, to entire loops, to complete functions. As an example, we can
write and evaluate a print statement in a code cell, as is shown below.
If you would like to write several lines of code, hit Enter to continue entering code into another line. To execute the code, we can simply hit Shift + Enter while our cursor is in the
code cell.
# This is a comment and is not read by Python
print('Hello! This is the print function. Python will print this line below')
Hello! This is the print function. Python will print this line below
We can also write a 'for' loop as an example of executing multiple lines of code at once.
# Write a basic for loop. In this case a range of numbers 0-4.
for i in range(5):
# Multiply the value of i by two and assign it to a variable.
temp_variable = 2 * i
# Print the value of the temp variable.
There are two other useful keyboard shortcuts for running code:
Alt + Enter runs the current cell and inserts a new one below
Ctrl + Enter run the current cell and enters command mode.
**Data Tip:** Code cells can be executed in any
order. This means that you can overwrite your current variables by running
things out of order. When coding in notebooks, be cautious of the order in
which you run cells.
If you would like more details on running code in Jupyter Notebooks, please go through the
following short tutorial by
Running Code
by contributors to the Jupyter project. This tutorial touches on start and stopping
the kernel and using multiple kernels (e.g., Python and R) in one notebook.
Arguably the most useful component of the Jupyter Notebook is the ability to
interweave code and explanatory text into a single, coherent document. Through
out the Data Institute (and one's everyday workflow), we encourage all code and
plots should be accompanied with explanatory text.
Each cell in a notebook can exist either as a code cell or as a text-formatting
cell called a markdown cell. Markdown is a mark-up language that very easily
converts to other type-setting formats such as HTML and PDF.
Whenever you make a new cell, its default assignment will be a code cell.
This means when you want to write text, you will need to specifically change it
to a markdown cell. You can do this by clicking on the drop-down menu that reads code'
(highlighted in red in the second figure of this page) and selecting 'Markdown'.
You can then type in the code cell and all Python syntax highlighting will be
Jupyter notebooks are set up to autosave your work every 15 or so minutes.
However, you should not rely on the autosave feature! Save your work frequently
by clicking on the floppy disk icon located in the upper left-hand corner of the
To navigate back to the root of your Jupyter notebook server, you can click on
the Jupyter logo at any time.
To quit your Jupyter notebook, you can simply close the browser window and the
Jupyter notebook server running in your terminal.
Converting to HTML and PDF
In addition to sharing notebooks in the.ipynb format, it may useful to convert
these notebooks to highly-portable formats such as HTML and PDF.
To convert, you can either use the dropdown menu option
File -> download as -> ...
or via the command line by using the following lines:
jupyter nbconvert --to pdf notebook_name.ipynb
Where "notebook_name.ipynb" matches the name of the notebook you want to convert. Prior to
converting the notebook, you must be in the same working directory as your notebook or use
the correct file path from your current working directory.
Converting to PDF requires both Pandoc and LaTeX to be installed. You can find
out more in the ReadTheDoc for nbconvert.
If you prefer to convert to a different format, like HTML, you simply change the
file type.
jupyter nbconvert --to html notebook_name.ipynb
Read more on what formats you can convert to and more about the
nbconvert package .